UMOR-REX RECORDS                        San Pedro #203
****************                        Col.La Martinica
                                        Leon, Guanajuato
                                        CP 37500


Start   : 07.2006
Founder : Eduardo Padilla       (aka Mollou & His Bike)
          Edgar Medina          (aka Transistor)
          Daniel Castrejon
Distr.  : ME - Creative Commons Music
          US - Redeye/Thrill Jockey/
          UK - Volcanic Tongue/Norman/Boomkat/
          EU - Morr Music
Style   : download label mainly

Umor Rex [Rex stands for Records] is based in Mexico and began in the summer of 2006.
Umor Rex started based on the premise of free downloadable albums by original,
exclusive artists. The parameters are wide and flexible, and there is not a single
dominant genre in the catalogue; things as diverse as rock, folk, lo-fi and electro
met and mingled in a casual, natural way.
[From:] jan.27, 2015

UR      001     DRUGS MADE ME SMARTER   HARMONY ROAD                    DL        .2006

        1       Prelude for a Sudden Honeymoon                  3:48
        2       Back On the Horse                               3:29
        3       Harmony Road                                    6:23
        4       Calle L                                         6:53
        5       Waiting Room                                    3:40
        6       Morning Glory Seeds at Sunset                   5:34
        7       Harmony Road (Transistor Mix)                   6:25
UR      002     CAGEY HOUSE             ELEPHANT ORANGE                 DL        .2006

        1       Elephant Orange                                 2:36
        2       Like a Reptile                                  3:00
        3       Time of the Strawberries                        2:34
        4       Saffron Steps                                   2:37
        5       That Hypothesis                                 2:06
        6       Three Questions                                 2:28
        7       Swanko Backway                                  2:05
        8       Bebe Ebullient                                  1:59
        9       Enter the Beard                                 2:32
        10      Tin Star vs. the Mikado                         0:58
        11      Music for Number Stations                       4:37
UR      003     FELIX BUILDING          SANS NOSTALGIE                  DL        .2006

        1       19 Janvier                                      3:02
        2       Coupure                                         2:04
        3       Sakura Week                                     2:12
        4       The Painter OST                                 3:34
        5       Friday                                          3:25
        6       Headache Song                                   1:52
UR      004     ENFANT BASTARD          BAMBI                           DL      08.2006

        1       Compilation Tapes                               3:15
        2       Hamish On a BBQ                                 2:18
        3       Digby                                           0:33
        4       Walls                                           3:51
        5       Fuck Around                                     1:39
        6       Landscape Painting Is Easy                      1:55
        7       Byu                                             1:05
        8       Theme to My Film                                5:12
UR      005     TANK BATTALION ATTACK : TANK BATTALION ATTACK           DL      09.2006

        1       Mute Movement                                   3:00
        2       Rumor Movement                                  3:16
        3       Apostate Movement                               4:16
        4       Cadense Movement                                4:03
        5       Complex Pause Movement                          3:26
UR      006     MOLLOY & HIS BIKE       UPHILL, DOWNHILL                DL        .2006

        1       Drive Around                                    3:51
        2       Tigers at Empty Beach                           5:45
        3       Uphill, Downhill                                4:45
        4       Bird Spotters Limbo                             0:35
        5       I Refused to Chase My Hat                       3:10
        6       The Last American Buffalo                       3:06

        1       4827301                                         5:16
        2       Parada obrigatoria                              4:11
        3       Curvas                                          2:28
        4       Glacial                                         4:35
        5       Besouros dourados (invadem a rua)               2:50
        6       Gusano                                          3:23
        7       Lisa Simpson                                    4:09
        8       Novas energias                                  2:19
        9       Aviso previo                                    3:23
        10      0121547                                         4:13
        11      Fuga                                            2:29
UR      008     OPISANT                 M                               DL        .2006

        1       M                                               1:42
        2       SciordX                                         7:47
        3       0                                               1:36
        4       Jika                                            2:59
        5       Ifyy                                            0:52
        6       Ne50-70                                         7:19
        7       Noc                                             6:09
        8       Som3                                            3:00
        9       26                                              7:01
        10      Xnx                                             2:17
UR      009     YEYO MORODER            YEYO MORODER EP                 DL      11.2006

        1       Salterio                                        1:00
        2       Mamando                                         2:50
        3       Kratuy Kontry                                   4:34
        4       R¡o Ebrio                                       4:07
        5       Tropicerveza                                    2:17
        6       Otro Kratuy Kontry                              1:45
        7       Mississippi Teknodrama                          3:03
        8       Otro Kratuy Kontry II                           0:58
        9       Rapchelo                                        5:39
UR      010     ALEJANDRO MORSE         LANDSCAPE MEMORIES              DL        .2006

        1       Psychic Readings                                7:26
        2       4am                                             5:32
        3       Intuitive Coaching                              5:51
        4       Landscape Memories                              11:09
UR      011     THE NEW PARALLELOGRAMERS : DECAPITADOS                  DL      11.2006

        1       Decapitados                                     21:13
        2       The Woods of Chilpetec (feat. Yeyo Moroder)     3:04
        3       You Keep the Fear Inside Me (feat. Diciembre)   5:29
UR      012     HARDMAN BROS            PLEASURE CRIMES                 DL        .2007

        1       Lollipop Suite                                  3:40
        2       Nerds                                           1:44
        3       Transparency                                    2:58
        4       Cash Is Dead                                    2:02
        5       Strings                                         1:25
        6       Cherrytree                                      3:43
        7       Not Prose                                       2:04
        8       Goin Sailin                                     3:15
        9       All the Forces                                  2:21
        10      Lazy Train                                      2:19
        11      Pleasure Crimes                                 3:11
        12      Rise                                            2:09
        13      Change the Mode                                 1:09
        14      In a Coma                                       3:00
        15      Spectroscope                                    3:00
UR      013     MOABI                   MOABI                           DL      01.2007

        1       Ryu                                             2:34
        2       Ty                                              4:00
        3       Bercx                                           4:24
        4       6ster                                           5:19
        5       My Ambx                                         11:45
        6       Nustereo                                        7:34
UR      014     ISRAEL M                LOS DEMONIOS DE LA LENGUA       DL        .2007

        1       Piramidal                                       7:28
        2       Ride Through the Valley                         5:20
        3       Exorcizio II                                    5:00
        4       De noche crees que todo est  bajo control       6:44
UR      015     TIDY KID                FROZEN FLOWER POT               DL        .2007

        1       Flower                                          3:01
        2       Frozen                                          5:20
        3       Smell                                           3:35
        4       Snail                                           4:12
UR      016     CALM LITTLE HIP         LINTHONIUM ALERTICE             DL      02.2007

        1       Intro                                           0:40
        2       Bichus                                          8:37
        3       Freedich No. 5                                  9:38
        4       Mediam to Non                                   16:37
        5       Downer                                          12:00
        6       Outro                                           0:16
UR      017     MYOCLONIC JERKS         GROOMING RESPONSE               DL      02.2007

        1       Trampoline                                      2:12
        2       Coffee                                          1:51
        3       How Come He's There                             4:14
        4       You Like Everyone                               2:37
        5       Sign On My Door                                 1:23
        6       You're Late                                     3:34
        7       Restraining Order                               3:29
        8       Let's Take a Stab                               6:07
UR      018     TANGRAM                 STILL HERE                      DL      02.2007

        1       Love Get Me Up and Down                         3:15
        2       Cypress                                         2:10
        3       In Emergency                                    3:12
        4       Satie Resounds                                  3:21
        5       I Got the Hammer Borrowed                       4:06
        6       Still Here                                      4:58
        7       Disturbios                                      6:06
UR      019     PIPHER                  VENDETTA LULLABY                DL      03.2007

        1       Xanadu                                          5:27
        2       Chanson des astres (With Frau Vollmer)          3:18
        3       House in Winter                                 5:03
        4       Horse at the Door                               3:29
        5       Trancelephantz                                  5:08
        6       Jesus Put Me in a Flood Song                    4:29
        7       Angel in the Well                               4:56
        8       Escape (Is Near)                                3:29
        9       Vendetta Lullaby                                5:11
        10      King Is Dead                                    4:53
UR      020     ENFANT BASTARD : I WISH I WAS A DEAD FAST CAR           DL        .2007

        1       The Last Fucking Song Im Ever Gonna Write       1:36
        2       New Years Eve 2006                              3:35
        3       Breakup Song #1002                              1:41
        4       Flavour of the Week                             2:12
        5       Whatever                                        2:12
        6       Sloe Gin                                        1:48
        7       Little Madness in the Dark                      1:29
        8       Leave Us Alone                                  2:15
        9       Walls                                           3:08
        10      I Wish I Was a Dead Fast Car                    1:03
        11      Digby                                           1:15
        12      Twister Without Spinny Board                    2:14
        13      Joanna Newsom 666                               1:58
        14      Vincent Van Gogh                                1:58
        15      Boobless                                        2:17
        16      Song for Huntley                                2:09
        17      Michael Jackson                                 3:44
        18      Tummy Piss                                      3:35
UR      021     HI-D                    BEATS & POMEGRANATES            DL      03.2007

        1       Flake                                           1:45
        2       Attic                                           4:12
        3       Magician                                        6:01
        4       Yellow                                          4:44
        5       Come Ride                                       4:04
        6       Pommes                                          4:04
        7       Nesting                                         4:55
        8       Twins                                           7:20

        1       Desear                                          6:47
        2       M¡a                                             7:03
        3       Semilla                                         7:29
UR      023     KABOOM KARAVAN          SHORT WALK WITH OLAF            DL      04.2007

        1       Romans                                          3:23
        2       Karavanserai                                    4:06
        3       Toambertree                                     4:45
        4       Short Walk With Olaf                            8:24
        5       No More Karavan                                 3:55
        6       Roadmap                                         8:05
        7       Laws, Fools and Anagrams                        5:11
        8       Resolut                                         6:36
UR      024     BETHLEHEMUFO            UKEMPTER                        DL      04.2007

        1       Coffeesong                                      3:19
        2       Bushbutsduts                                    10:13
        3       Meandry                                         9:40
        4       Smokesong                                       5:47
        5       Softagus                                        3:53
        6       Harpy                                           5:39
        7       Chantey                                         14:14
        8       Velvet Curtains                                 3:14
        9       Ongoing Underneath                              4:47
UR      025     WATCHING TREES GROW     THE UNEMPLOYMENT ALBUM          DL      04.2007

        1       Shoes Hanging from a Telephone Wire             3:22
        2       Half Baked Chance                               2:39
        3       I'll Be Fucking Gone                            3:20
        4       Seraphina Swimming                              3:27
        5       Pennies                                         5:33
        6       Lullaby for the Aggressor                       2:51
        7       Untitled                                        2:55
        8       The Fruit of Youth                              4:24

        1       Waffle Lake Story                               3:39
        2       La Hoja Seca                                    3:01
        3       I Don't Like My Job                             3:21
        4       The Biblioitheque                               3:38
        5       My Finger Is Broken                             6:00
        6       Interstellar Walk Cloud                         6:02
        7       Paris Airport Ate My Head                       3:55
        8       The Pear, the Knife, the Pond                   3:50
        9       Street With No Arm                              3:58
        10      Dig the Material Crap                           4:25
UR      027     PING PONG PARROT : SCATTERSHOT BILL'S 7 DAY SAFARI      DL      06.2007

        1       Quack Physics                                   3:20
        2       Typewriter Resonance                            4:15
        3       Neil's Hyperspace Birdcage                      5:45
        4       Interrogation Report, Blotched                  0:57
        5       The Day Ignatz Met Cthulhu                      1:40
        6       Year of the Toy Harp                            3:43
        7       Lightning Storms Make Psychic Debris Come to
                Life                                            3:40
UR      028     WILFRIDO TERRAZAS : OPEN CAGES.IMPROVISATIONS 2007      DL      06.2007

        1       Migrations C                                    4:33
        2       D£o inveros¡mil para pato y canario             3:28
        3       Migrations D                                    5:07
        4       Subacu tica                                     7:31
        5       Migrations A                                    5:36
        6       Heterofon¡a I                                   6:22
        7       Calypso-interlude                               6:31
        8       Migrations B                                    3:48
        9       Caged audition I                                7:29
        10      Improvisaci¢n recuperada                        3:53
        11      Microb£s                                        4:35
UR      029     ENSAMBLE ASPERO+INCA ORE+LEMON BEAR                     DL        .2007

        1       iNo M s Escuela!                                12:02
        2       Miguel                                          4:35
        3       oo00OO                                          12:38
        4       Preciosamente (Reconstruccion Ivan Naranjo)     2:10
UR      030     PETER STENBERG          UNCHARTED LANDS                 DL        .2007

        1       Void (_1)                                       2:19
        2       Void (_2)                                       7:26
        3       Void (_3)                                       4:47
        4       Void (_4)                                       5:13
        5       Void (_5)                                       5:48
UR      031     MOLLOY & HIS BIKE       SPIRALTOWN CARTOGRAPHERS        DL      09.2007

        1       I Live in a Spiral Town                         6:51
        2       A Forked Road Is Also a Tunnel                  4:05
        3       Draw Me a Horsey                                3:12
        4       Kaspar Gets Reflected                           6:25
        5       Cagey Bike                                      2:05
        6       Exile Song                                      5:11
        7       Salem Viewed From an Attic                      3:40
        8       Hola Janek                                      3:17
        9       Say Goodbye to Your Cartographer, Son           6:13
        10      Jacaranda                                       4:45
        11      Whistle While You Croak                         3:18

UR      033     ALEJANDRO MORSE         OBELISKS                        5MP3    06.2007

        1       One (for Carl Jung)
        2       Two (for David Bohm)
        3       Three (for Harold Puthoff)
        4       Four (for Friedich Miescher)
        5       Five (for Robert Adler)

UR      035
UR      036     MOLLOY & HIS BIKE       VOLAVERUNT                      DL        .2008

        1       Falcon Kite                                     6:37
        2       L'Albatros                                      3:39
        3       Dust Devil Soiree                               5:21
        4       Die Trying                                      6:35

UR      038     MOLLOY & HIS BIKE       HIT THE FRACTAL ROAD            DL        .2008

        1       Camille Came To Town                            2:58
        2       Hiking                                          2:21
        3       The Old Clocktower                              2:54
        4       Glen                                            3:35
        5       At The Witch House                              3:55
        6       Plume                                           6:34
        7       Burst                                           4:30
        8       Camille Is Coming To Town (TNP Version)         3:15

UR      040



YR      044     DEADMAN'S GHOST         CEREBRAL FRONTIER               DL      03.2012

        1       Amygdala                                        3:18
        2       Lysergic lasso                                  4:19
        3       Lonely Planet                                   4:39
        4       Pathos                                          6:00
        5       Magick Roundabout                               3:16
        6       Murmuration                                     3:08

UR      046     MOLLOY & HIS BIKE       FLUTTER AND FALL                DL        .2010

        1       I'm Aloof -Said The Mountain- I'm Aloof         3:28
        2       Ultra Something                                 5:18
        3       Flutter                                         4:43
        4       Fall                                            6:20
        5       Protozoa                                        4:05
        6       Fish Pond                                       3:31

UR      048     THE HUMAN ELEPHANT      WHITE THUNDER                   LP+DLc  10.2011

        A1      1726
        A2      The Star
        A3      One More Time
        A4      Happy And Sweet
        A5      Ausland
        A6      Terrorist
        B1      Ceremony (New Order Cover)
        B2      Sympathy
        B3      3 Pictures Of 3 Women
        B4      Somehow We Know
        B5      All Chorus, No Verse
        B5      You Deserve To Die
                (Note : LP , 500 copies)
UR      049     DEADMAN'S GHOST         THE BROKEN ZOETROPE             DL      03.2012

        1       Deltaville                                      5:12
        2       All This Fleeting Magic                         3:37
        3       Tandem Felix                                    3:35
        4       An Unviewed Strip of Corroded Celluloid         5:12
        5       Amygdala (Defcon Remix)                         3:35
        6       Lonely Planet (BEW Remix)                       5:21
        7       Magick Roundabout (T-Polar Remix)               4:26
        8       Pathos (The Crimson Underground Remix)          4:35
UR      050     S ND Y P RL RS          REX                             lp      08.2012
UR      050     S ND Y P RL RS          REX                             DL      08.2012

        A1      Deserter
        A2      Twentyfour
        A3      The Other Hand Is Good
        A4      Redeemer
        B1      Take
        B2      Give
        B3      Two Wrongs
                (Note : LP , 300 copies on opaque-white vinyl)

        A1      Tank Battalion Attack : Mute Movement
        A2      Tank Battalion Attack : Rumor Movement
        A3      Tank Battalion Attack : Apostate Movement
        A4      Tank Battalion Attack : Cadense Movement
        A5      Tank Battalion Attack : Complex Pause Movement
        B1      Roma Dune               Pillar
        B2      Roma Dune               Tin
        B3      Roma Dune               Chrsh
        B4      Roma Dune               Grendel
        B5      Roma Dune               Mrgrt
        B6      Roma Dune               Bster
UR      052     BARNABY BENNETT         SHADOWS AND REFLECTIONS         CD      11.2012

        1       A Satisfied Mind
        2       Mystery Grrl
        3       Old Road
        4       Waltz Away
        5       Hayseed
        6       Cloud { Dream
        7       Summertime Girlz
        8       Dengue Fever
        9       Grow
        10      Mapmakerz
        11      Simpler Times
        12      Peggy-O
        13      Reverie
        14      Whiskey Road
        15      Nightbyrd
        16      Slow Down Time
        17      Sleep
        18      Montana Is A State Of Mind
        19      The Ballad Of Time-Zone Time (In Reverse)
        20      Goodbye Ghost
UR      053     V / A                   SAGITTARIUS                     CS      12.2012

        1       The Human Elephant      Sex 2006                3:18
        2       Ponk                    The Emagineer           3:25
        3       Brendan Codey           Diaspora                3:54
        4       Lorelle Meets The Obsolete : Morning Darkness   4:06
        5       Jasmina Maschina        Scott Free              6:03
        6       Deadman's Ghost         Midi Poem               1:45
        7       Haciendo El Mal         Extrano Il              3:15
        8       Barnaby Bennett         Ashes And Sand          2:08
        9       Suntapes                Waving White Curtains   4:38
        10      Molloy & His Bike       The Old Clocktower      2:45
        11      Robedoor                Zodiac Mask             4:32
        12      Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier : Large Formats      6:24
        13      Axis:Sova               Retrograde              3:25
        14      Rosinski                Ahoi                    4:08
        15      S ND Y P RL RS          Heavier                 3:27
        16      Food Pyramid            Sub St. Charles         6:02
        17      Roma Dune               Dstinatio               3:34
        18      Uhumati : Spider Pod / Network Bias             8:50
        19      Expo 70                 Electric Waves          4:52
        20      Cars And Trains : Year That Trembled And Reel'd
                Beneath Me                                      1:53
        21      Barnaby Bennett, M. Geddes Gengras : City
                Terrace Deemed Convex                           1:25
UR      054     FELICIA ATKINSON        VISIONS/VOICES                  2LP     07.2013

LP 1    A1      This Impermanent Gold
        A2      Hooves Drummed
        B1      Infant Vampire
        B2      All the Roads Are Circular

LP 2    C1      Entomology
        C2      The Owls
        D1      Franny
        D2      Badlands

        A1      10.17.2009 (For CCG)
        A2      Resistor
        A3      Untitled #4
        B1      Untitled #1
        B2      Magical Writing
        B3      Inductor
ER      056     THE HUMAN ELEPHANT : CIRCLE AROUND THE MOON             C47       .2013

        A1      Duel On The Dance Floor
        A2      Catherine
        A3      Are You My Love
        A4      Rooftops
        A5      Your Letters
        A6      Circle Around The Moon
        B1      Dog Meets Cat
        B2      Fantastic Knight Of Columbus
        B3      Jimmy
        B4      Fishing For Souls
        B5      Nine Dollar
        B6      What The Sponge Said As A Backseat Driver
        B7      What The Whale Said To The Sponge
        B8      What You Eat For New Year
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

        A       In Slow Motion I                                20:00
        B       In Slow Motion II                               20:00
UR      058     SAFIYYA (PAT MURANO & BRAD ROSE) : SHAREEK HAYAAT       LP      10.2013

        A       The Rejection and Betrayal of Khairiah, the Crone 21:13
        B       The Devotion and Sacrifice of Amal, the Maiden    19:03

Shareek Hayaat is the second album by Safiyya, the duo formed by Brad Rose and Pat
Murano. Brad Rose is the head of the Digitalis label, and he is also well known for
his work as The North Sea, Charlatan, and Altar Eagle. Pat Murano, head of Kelippah
Records, has also worked under the name Decimus, and as a member of the venerable
No Neck Blues Band.
UR      059     DINO SPILUTTINI & NILS QUAK : MODULAR ANXIETY           LP      01.2014

        A1      Dino Spiluttini         Anxiety                 5:05
        A2      Dino Spiluttini         Downer          3:06
        A3      Dino Spiluttini         Crawling                2:37
        A4      Dino Spiluttini : Theme for a Bleak Life        2:29
        A5      Dino Spiluttini         Wallow Wallow           2:16
        A6      Dino Spiluttini         Weak Love               4:40
        B1      Nils Quak               No Dreams               3:09
        B2      Nils Quak               Octagonal Journey       6:58
        B3      Nils Quak               Tropic Spirals          7:03
        B4      Nils Quak -             Duet for Modular Brass  2:58

(Note : ed. of 300 coloured copies - packaged on uncoated stock with double sided
        insert and download code)
UR      060     CIAN                    GEMLUX                          CS      02.2014

        A1      Date and Time                                   7:08
        A2      Symmetrize Canons                               4:31
        A3      Gemlux Haze                                     2:54
        A4      CS 30 Harm                                      3:37
        A5      Reccurent Decay                                 1:45
        B1      Caer                                            6:16
        B2      Spora                                           4:28
        B3      Flvx VII                                        0:33
        B4      Zwei Ps                                         1:47
        B5      Swia (Wow & Flutter)                            2:32
        B6      Sendero Luminoso                                2:31
        B7      Siete                                           1:03
UR      061     SIAVASH AMINI : TILL HUMAN VOICES WAKE US               CS      02.2014

        A1      The Phoenician                                  3:08
        A2      Silent Seas                                     4:30
        A3      The Violet Hour                                 7:28
        A4      The Fog                                         4:03
        A5      Unreal City                                     4:45
        B1      Yelena's Theme                                  2:30
        B2      Shade Without Colour                            5:44
        B3      Corridors and Dreams                            6:22
        B4      Yelena                                          3:40
        B5      The Chair She Sat In                            4:45
UR      062     SIMA KIM & WOUTER VAN VELDHOVEN : SKETCHES              CS      02.2014

                10 Sketches
        A1      Sima Kim - Sketch #1                                    1:30
        A2      Sima Kim - Sketch #2                                    1:32
        A3      Sima Kim - Sketch #3                                    1:54
        A4      Sima Kim - Sketch #4                                    1:30
        A5      Sima Kim - Sketch #5                                    1:31
        A6      Sima Kim - Sketch #6                                    1:53
        A7      Sima Kim - Sketch #7                                    1:43
        A8      Sima Kim - Sketch #8                                    1:48
        A9      Sima Kim - Sketch #9                                    2:40
        A10     Sima Kim - Sketch #10                                   2:12
                A Collection of Things 2002-2012
        B1      Wouter van Veldhoven : Sketch 11, 2004                  2:26
        B2      Wouter van Veldhoven : Fluister Sketch, 04-2012         2:04
        B3      Wouter van Veldhoven : Sketch, 06-2005                  0:50
        B4      Wouter van Veldhoven : Camera, 11-2002                  2:06
        B5      Wouter van Veldhoven : Sketch, 02-2008                  1:25
        B6      Wouter van Veldhoven : Sketch/First Failure AE, 10-2008 8:04
        B7      Wouter van Veldhoven : Palindroom drie, 11-2007         0:52
UR      063     GOOD WILLSMITH          THE HONEYMOON WORKBOOK          LP      04.2014

        A1      I Told You to Get Up and It Just Happened       5:37
        A2      & My Body to Breath                             8:05
        A3      Now - Shower Put on All Black                   6:07
        B1      What You Think Is Crazy Isn't                   5:13
        B2      25 Almost 26 & 27 28 29 30                      3:08
        B3      Taking Too Long to Text                         6:04
        B4      If Anything Happens to Me, My Password Is Lady
                Lass                                            6:57
                (Note : LP , orange vinyl)
UR      064     GOOD WILLSMITH : 14 YEARS OF DESPERATE RESEARCH         LP      03.2014

        A       Documents That You Don't Understand             22:47
        B       No-One Wants to End Up with Memory              20:27
UR      065     DRIFTMACHINE            NOCTURNES                       LP      06.2014

        1.      Claire Obscure                                  07:07
        2.      Drift                                           06:12
        3.      To Nowhere pt.1                                 06:56
        4.      To Nowhere pt.2                                 05:20
        5.      Sternenmeer                                     08:36
        6.      R‚veil des Oiseaux                              08:00
                (Note : LP , 300 copies with poster)
UR      066     CHARLATAN               LOCAL AGENT                     LP+DL   08.2014

        A1      Switchblades
        A2      Blur Suite
        A3      Lonely City
        A4      Skulled
        B1      The Cure
        B2      Double Blind Host
        B3      Antiprism
        B4      Nightmaring
                (Note : transp. yellow vinyl edition with double-sided
                insert and download)
UR      067     CHARLATAN               DEAD DROP                       CS        .2014

        A1      Organ Boosters
        A2      Geomancer
        A3      Gatehouse Repertoire
        A4      Cut Into Concrete Stallions
        B1      Superstar Epigraph
        B2      Transience
        B3      Zaftig
        B4      Discrete
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
UR      068     DEREK ROGERS            VISUAL ECHOES                   CS      09.2014

        A1      Carroll Avenue                                  3:10
        A2      Visual Echoes                                   1:11
        A3      Post-Earthquake Silverlake                      11:50
        B1      Ovoid                                           1:57
        B2      You Don't Think In Terms Of Trains              10:19
        B3      No Harm, No Foul                                2:56
                (Note : cassette , 80 hand-numb. copies)
UR      069     MAAR                    CETO                            CS      09.2014

        A1      Dye                                             8:18
        A2      Ceto                                            5:25
        A3      Low Surface Brightness                          10:02
        B1      At/Equal                                        4:14
        B2      Untitled                                        4:13
        B3      S                                               6:00
        B4      Tres                                            8:18
UR      070     G.S. SULTAN             AG_GREATESHIT                   CS      09.2017

        A1      ag_greatesthit_mv.4
        A2      ag_greatesthit_mv.6
        A3      ag_greatesthit_mv.5
        B1      ag_greatesthit_mv.9
        B2      ag_greatesthit_mv.3
        B3      ag_greatesthit_mv.2
        B4      ag_greatesthit_mv.8

        1.      Pure
        2.      Slider
        3.      Ricochet
        4.      Glass Dance
        5.      The Last Time We Were Here
        6.      Relation
        7.      New Process
        8.      Pure
                (Note : LP , blue vinyl)


UR      074     DRIFTMACHINE            EIS HEAUTON                     DL      01.2015

        1       Rungler Statik                                  8:00
        2       Das trunkene Schiff                             6:51
        3       Sunlit Reverie                                  6:44
        4       Eis Heauton                                     9:34
UR      075     AUX FIELD               IMAGINABLE LAYERS               CS      01.2015
UR      075     AUX FIELD               IMAGINABLE LAYERS               8DL     01.2015

        A1      Station III
        A2      Room And Dust
        A3      Drain Dub
        A4      Birma
        B1      Lineair
        B2      Model 5
        B3      View From Your Window
        B4      Rate Tm Specials
UR      076     B/B/S/                  NK012                           CS        .2015

        A1      NK012A01
        A2      NK012A02
        A3      NK012A03
        B1      NK012B01
        B2      NK012B02
UR      077     JAMES PLACE             LIVING ON SUPERSTITION          LP      03.2015

        1.      Another Mourning In America
        2.      High Rise (Rainier)
        3.      Sadie's Tears
        4.      Simmered and Brewed
        5.      Overcast and Burned
        6.      Sense of an Ending
        7.      Lyra's Grin
        8.      Behind Windows

(Note : LP , white vinyl - includes digital download redeemable from the label)
UR      078     KARA LIS COVERDALE & LXV : SIRENS                       LP      05.2015

        1.      Tunnel Vision
        2.      Territory of Subtle Entries
        3.      Disney
        4.      Grigori in Jakarta
        5.      Buffering landscape
        6.      Subfall (to)
        7.      Borrowed Memory (from)
        8.      Informant
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UR      079     GULTSKRA ARTIKLER       DESTROY MUSIC                   CS      09.2015

        1.      D
        2.      De
        3.      Des
        4.      Dest
        5.      Destr
        6.      Destro
        7.      Destroy
        8.      Destroy M
        9.      Destroy Mu
        10.     Destroy Mus
        11.     Destroy Musi
        12.     Destroy Music
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies, silkscreened cardboard box)
UR      080     REMY CHARRIER           COWRIES                         CS      09.2015

        1       A Sine Tale                                     4:34
        2       1929                                            4:59
        3       Tulipmania                                      2:46
        4       Shadows                                         5:09
        5       The Ubiquitous Cowrie                           3:53
        6       Backlash                                        5:41
        7       Between Stories                                 3:50
        8       Denial                                          3:57
UR      081     ROBERTO CARLOS LANGE    PLURAL PEOPLE                   CS      09.2015

        A1      Plasti Pt. 1                                    3:24
        A2      Fogetit                                         3:49
        A3      Leta                                            3:31
        A4      Haunt Her                                       5:54
        A5      Woddy Two                                       1:17
        A6      Time                                            2:36
        A7      On Yesterday                                    3:44
        B1      Way                                             4:59
        B2      Again                                           1:44
        B3      Lifer                                           3:26
        B4      Left Shoulder                                   15:00
UR      082     PHANTOM HORSE           DIFFERENT FORCES                LP+DLc  10.2015

        A1      Amsel Variation
        A2      Different Forces
        A3      Vloid
        B1      Hector
        B2      Belegte Welt
        B3      Afterglow

(Note : LP , 300 copies, all music written & produced by Niklas Dommaschk & Ulf Schütte
        Mastered by John Tejada. Design & layout by Daniel Castrejon)

        1.      Amia
        2.      High Risen
        3.      Oab
        4.      S'st
        5.      L'sg
        6.      Disney
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies, silkscreened cardboard box)

        1.      These Kids Aren't Lovin' It
        2.      A Disease You've Probably Never Heard Of Is Killing Kids
        3.      Not Your Kids
        4.      But Someone Else's Kids
        5.      These Kids Aren't Alright
        6.      What Goes In The Ocean Goes In You
        7.      Whales Sing Great Melodies With Fantastic Lyrics

(Note : LP , clear vinyl. Design by Daniel Castrejon featuring original photographs
        by Sam Prekop' 300 copies)
UR      085     SR HESS & RM ZUYDERVELT : RE-COLLECTING                 CS        .2016

        A1      Auroral                                         7:50
        A2      Re:Collection                                   7:37
        B3      Evenfall                                        10:22
        B4      Delusion                                        6:21
                (Note : cassette , 110 hand-numb. copies)
UR      086     M. GEDDES GENDRAS       TWO VARIATIONS                  2DL     01.2016

        1       03.06.15                                        34:00
        2       04.10.15                                        34:00
UR      087     SHAPES/MELFI            SPLIT                           CS      01.2016

        A1      Shapes                  Spell
        A2      Shapes                  Way Below
        B1      Melfi                   Peapette
        B2      Melfi                   Vyrva
        B3      Melfi                   Kvetch
        B4      Melfi                   Bride Byne
                (Note : cassette , 110 hand-numb. copies)
UR      088     DRIFTMACHINE            COLLIDING CONTOURS              LP+DLc  05.2016

        1.      Radiations
        2.      Sans Soleil
        3.      Observant Sirens
        4.      Gaukelwerk
        5.      Dogov Godov
        6.      Lost Travelers
        7.      Ambler
        8.      Nunc Stans

(Note : LP/180 g. , 500 copies + double sided insert)
UR      089     ALEXANDRE BAZIN         FULL MOON                       CS+DLc  08.2016

        1.      One plus one
        2.      Outsiders
        3.      The glass key
        4.      Night riders
        5.      Youth
        6.      Runaway
        7.      Silence of the sea
        9.      Full Moon
        10.     Space is the place
        11.     Nova Express

Composed and performed by Alexandre Bazin in Paris. Mastered by Mathieu Bameulle.
UR      090     MAAR                    ABSOLUTE DELAY                  CS+DLc  08.2016

        1.      Absolute Delay
        2.      Rime
        3.      Contour
        4.      The Hour Angle
        5.      Walled Plain
        6.      Dives

Assembled in Chicago 2015-2016. Mastered by Felix-Florian T”dtloff at Aetherweight,
UR      091     BRETT NAUCKE            EXECUTABLE DREAMTIME            CS+DLc  08.2016

        1.      Executable Dreamtime
        2.      1028 Modulated Tunnels
        3.      Dying Season 93'
        4.      Forever Overhead
        5.      The Space Between Twins
        6.      Mouth to Mouth

Written & Recorded; January 2016 in Chicago, IL. Brett Naucke; Modular Synthesizer on
all tracks. Michael Perkins: Piano on Dying Season 93'. Mastered by Brett Naucke.
UR      092     SIAVASH AMINI & MATT FINNEY : FAMILIAL ROT              CS+DLc  08.2016

        1.      Whole Summer
        2.      Your Daughters
        3.      Halcyon
        4.      Coyote

All music composed by Siavash Amini Vocals/lyrics by Matt Finney. Electric Double
Bass by Pouya Pour-Amin. Mastered by Lawrence English @ 158 Brisbane.
UR      093     KOEN HOLTKAMP           VOICE MODEL                     LP+DL   09.2016
UR      093     KOEN HOLTKAMP           VOICE MODEL                     DL      09.2016

        1.      Scene I                                         18:04
        2.      Scene II                                        15:37

Mountains' Koen Holtkamp follows-up 2014's 'Motion' album for Thrill Jockey with this
beautiful suite for Piano, Electronics, Cymbals, Bowls and Guitar for the on-form Umor
Rex label, a blissful meditation on slowly unfolding sounds that sits somewhere between
Kosmische and Raga.
UR      094     DRIFTMACHINE            RADIATIONS                      LP+DLc  02.2017

        1.      Radiations (Shackleton RMX)                     10:27
        2.      Vermiform Burrows (The Sight Below RMX)         07:36
        3.      Call Mr. Moriba                                 05:55
        4.      Vermiform Burrows                               07:15
        5.      Radiations                                      05:28

(Note : purple coloured vinyl LP, 350 copies + postcard insert)
UR      095     TERENCE HANNUM          IMPIETY                         CS      03.2017

        A1      Further Desecrations
        A2      The Final Myth
        B1      Impiety
        B2      Supreme Sacrilege
UR      096     MISSING ORGANS          OLD SPEAKERS                    DL      03.2017

        1       Gauche                                          5:51
        2       Doorway                                         1:44
        3       Blood Factory                                   6:24
        4       Hatching 1b                                     3:47
        5       Hatching 2a                                     3:07
        6       Falten                                          5:42
        7       Bridges                                         8:00
        8       Hamlet Funk                                     4:15
        9       Livin' off wifi                                 3:14
        10      Tiny Rider                                      10:53
        11      To the Headland                                 2:43
UR      097     MUKQS                   DAME NIMGEN                     CS+DL   03.2017

        1.      My Baby-Tachi                                   10:07
        2.      Meat Of Heaven                                  09:57
        3.      Girls Fruit Detox                               05:01
        4.      Kodomo Broiler                                  04:50
        5.      Belzenef                                        03:09
        6.      Justaway                                        02:52
        7.      Unboxing                                        02:17
        8.      Baremoto                                        01:36

(Note : hand-numbered cassette. Edition of 105. Includes download code)
UR      098     THE DELUGE              FOREST STRUCTURES               CS      03.2017

        1       Fishing With John                               3:14
        2       The Sun Will Rise Again                         3:00
        3       Complex Lights                                  6:05
        4       The Ocean Is Drifting, You Know                 1:38
        5       Paul/Eli                                        4:51
        6       You Should Be Scared                            2:02
        7       No Country                                      4:50
        8       A Life Full of Curiosity                        4:18
        9       Pluto                                           4:05
        10      What Does Motion Do To Waves?                   5:22
        11      It Degrades                                     3:31

(Note : hand-numbered cassette. Edition of 105. Includes download code)
UR      099     JAMES PLACE             VOICES BLOOM                    LP+DLc  05.2017
                (Note : LP , 350 copies , neon-orange vinyl + postcard)
UR      099     JAMES PLACE             VOICES BLOOM                    7DL     05.2017

        1       Courage To Ask                                  6:02
        2       Robin Weep                                      3:44
        3       Move In Blue                                    4:40
        4       Rumor and Choir                                 5:00
        5       Theatre                                         6:11
        6       Echo You                                        5:10
        7       Wild Theme Unseen                               10:01

Beautifully romantic, skilfully ecstatic side of vocal studies and purring techno
from James Place on Mexico City's trustworthy Umor Rex label - home to aces by Kara
-Lis Coverdale, Felicia Atkinson, Driftmachine - ushering in a suite of light-footed
and high-register works using sampled voice, live percussion and machine manipulations
to refreshing, head thizzing effect.
UR      100     RAFAEL ANTON IRISARRI   THE SHAMELESS YEARS             LP+DLc  08.2017

        1.      Indefinite Fields                               06:05
        2.      RH Negative                                     05:50
        3.      Bastion                                         08:47
        4.      Sky Burial                                      04:52
        5.      Karma Krama (feat. Siavash Amini)               06:04
        6.      The Faithless (feat. Siavash Amini)             13:14

(Note : limited edition red vinyl LP, includes a postcard with original artwork.
        Edition of 700 copies - instant download included)
UR      101     TUTH                    TRANSGRESSION                   CS+DLc  10.2017

        1.      Zero Sum                                        06:39
        2.      Machines And Speed                              05:39
        3.      A Positive Sum                                  06:08
        4.      A Curved Atmosphere In Muted Light              04:53
        5.      A Weight From Inside Pulls Down                 05:17
        6.      Self Reliance                                   03:55
        7.      Nothing Deletes                                 05:41
UR      102     LEVELS                  LEVELS                          CS+DLc  10.2017

        1.      Corridors                                       01:21
        2.      Device Warbling                                 03:10
        3.      F.Maps                                          03:44
        4.      Slo-Forms                                       03:42
        5.      Latent Information                              02:33
        6.      Los Aguaro                                      03:43
        7.      Gp-17                                           01:23
        8.      Mysta                                           03:41
        9.      Village ooc                                     03:13
        10.     Distant Gen                                     02:48
UR      103     MAYMIND                 ILLUMINA                        CS+DLc  10.2017

        1.      Time Sift                                       07:10
        2.      Rhymes With Island                              06:47
        3.      Dryp Enigma                                     04:43
        4.      Lost In Maria Hernandez                         02:02
        5.      Microaggression                                 04:51
        6.      Third Nord                                      13:35

(Note : hand-numbered cassette. Limited edition of 120 copies on pro-dubbed chrome
        tape. Packaged in a cardboard box of 100% recycled stock and download coupon)

Bittersweet, downbeat electronica ushered in careful, minimalist style with a pop
appeal betraying the artist’s indie-pop background.
UR      104     MIKROVOLT               I                               CS+DLc  10.2017

        1.      Perpetuum Mobile                                07:18
        2.      Systemfehler                                    05:07
        3.      Prim                                            07:28
        4.      Gleichstromversatz                              12:59
        5.      Pneumatik                                       04:31
        6.      Smog                                            07:45
        7.      Stromung                                        08:29
        8.      Biturbo                                         06:12
        9.      Grotte                                          06:54
UR      105     PHANTOM HORSE           ALS OB                          LP+DLc  11.2017

A.      1.      Klein Surface                                   16:49
        2.      Als Ob                                          4:15
B.      3.      Always Too Late                                 8:23
        4.      Always Too Late                                 3:36
        5.      Skeptical Island                                9:05

(Note : LP , limited green coloured vinyl LP on Umor Rex. Edition of 350 copies
        with postcard + download)

German experimental electronic duo Phantom Horse have readjusted their sound for
their new album Als Ob. Fans shouldn’t worry too much though, their unconventional
minimalist approach a la Moondog and the Cabaret Voltare-influenced electronica still
form much of their sound adding an eerie quality John Carpenter uses to soundtrack
his films.
UR      106     BYRON WESTBROOK         CONFLUENCE PATTERNS             CS+DLc  04.2018

        01      A Continuous Slip
        02      Drifting Well / Perception Depth
        03      Fractal Shift II
        04      Vanishing Action
        05      Glorious Mess

(Note : limited cassette tape on Umor Rex. Edition of 120 numbered copies inside
        recycled stock cardboard box. Includes download code)

Umor Rex welcomes experimental ambient electronicist Byron Westbrook to the fold for
his third album, following releases with Root Strata and Hands in the Dark. Made with
manipulations of tape and electronics, Confluence Patterns is mixed so that sharp
contrasts of tone and style occur between the tracks, making continuous listening
noticeably different from selective.
UR      107     Logar-Decay             FRGL                            CS+DLc  04.2018

        A1      Bare
        A2      Restless
        A3      Things To Forget
        B1      To Be Kind
        B2      Remembrance
        B3      Fragmented

Limited cassette tape on Umor Rex. Edition of 120 numbered copies inside recycled
stock cardboard box. Includes download code
LogarDecay’s second LP sees the Mexico City duo crafting heady electronica in the
mould of Boards of Canada and other Ghost Box acts. Cuts like ‘To Be Kind’ feature
whirring keyboard drones that flicker with chattering voices, and like other cuts here
it later reveals a neat way with harmony and melody.
UR      108     KOHL : LEARNED ETHICS/IMPOSED ETHICS                    CS+DLc  04.2018

        A1      The Possibility Of The Infinite
        A2      Moral Supposition
        A3      Moral Autonomy
        B1      The Inquisition
        B2      Resolution (Empathy)

Limited cassette tape on Umor Rex. Edition of 120 numbered copies inside recycled
stock cardboard box. Includes download code
New year, new UMOR tape batch! Granted it's March by now but let me live. Kohl offers
some melodies here while deviating through forms that ambient's lived through and new
ones it could take on. Dub techno makes an appearance, but the record maintains warm,
textural bliss in every shift it takes.
UR      109 MC  RAFAEL ANTON IRISARRI : SIRIMIRI                        CS+DL   06.2018

        1.      Downfall                                        08:19
        2.      Sonder                                          14:43
        3.      Vasastan                                        07:04
        4.      Mountain Stream                                 07:12

he NY-based producer returns to Umor Rex with a new album, in which the musical
discourse and the physical form of the release have an equal, crucial importance.
                FUTURE + HEART

        1.      The Garden Of Earthly Flanger                   04:50
        2.      Plastic Skin                                    05:17
        3.      AI No Na                                        05:21
        4.      Gikanjoumonogatari                              09:10
        5.      Happiness Can't Be Described By A Visible Color 04:38
        6.      Setsunai                                        08:18

(Note : LP , mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri. Limited edition of 350 copies)

Dustin Wong is the guitar knotter and looper known, in addition to his past service
in noise rock band Ponytail, for making majestic records out of simple, riffed ideas.
The ecstasy of his music will here be paired with noise pranksters Good Willsmith,
who made an incredible, euphorically harsh record for Umor in Things Our Bodies Used
to Have, along with the Casio tones of Takako Minekawa.
UR      111     M. GEDDES GENDRAS       HAWAIKI TAPES                   CS+DLc  06.2018

        1.      Hilina Slump                                    09:55
        2.      Ha'akulamanu                                    07:08
        3.      Kapoho                                          08:45
        4.      Kilauea                                         08:00
        5.      Mauna Kea                                       05:36
        6.      Lo'ihi                                          04:14
        7.      Kalapana                                        03:20
        8.      Mauna Loa                                       08:19
        9.      Pu'u Loa                                        07:34
        10.     Nahuku                                          06:03

West Coast synthesist M. Geddes Gengras yields a lushly meditative suite of ambient
music inspired by his time on Hawaiki, the big island of Hawaii, paying particular
attention to glistening high register tones and a sense of wide open Pacific space.
UR      112     JAMES PLACE             STILL WAVES TO A WHISPER        LP+DLc  01.2019

        1.      Known Cry                                       07:35
        2.      Timing and Lighting                             08:35
        3.      Move In Blue (Homeward Mix)                     05:37
        4.      Vanishing                                       07:44
        5.      Names                                           04:08
UR      113     DRIFTMACHINE            SHUNTER                         LP+DLc  06.2018

        1.      Shift I                                         05:56
        2.      Shift II                                        05:38
        3.      Shift III                                       04:26
        4.      Shift IV                                        05:01
        5.      Blind Signal Box                                07:33
        6.      Congé                                           03:16
        7.      The Plans Were Never Accomplished               11:23

Berlin duo Driftmachine return to Umor Rex for their fifth LP. Shunter is a heady
listen that sits at the nexus of a few genres. Kosmische, electroacoustic music, post
-dub techniques, IDM, found sound, avant-garde sound art and more mix together in this
hallucinatory collection. The end product recalls everything from Yves Tumor to
Autechre. Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri. Limited edition of 350 copies.
UR      114     RAFAEL ANTON IRISARRI   EL FERROCARILL              CS+DLc      10.2018

        1.      Transeúntes 
        2.      Un Saltador 
        3.      El Espectro Electromagnético 
        4.      La Chica De Valladolid 
        5.      El Ferrocarril Desvaneciente

Black Knoll audio engineer and “post-minimalist” (i.e. minimalist but less minimal!)
ambient storyteller Rafael Anton Irisarri follows on from last March’s Sirimiri with
another refined and beautifully-produced Umor Rex tape. Ed. of 200 copies.
UR      115     DINO SPILUTTINI         NO HOROZON                  CS+DLc      10.2018

        1.      Average Angel                                   05:13
        2.      Healer                                          04:08
        3.      Ruined World                                    05:35
        4.      No Horizon                                      03:53
        5.      Permadeath                                      03:25
        6.      Endurance                                       07:15

Austrian purveyor of tape-hiss’d things forlorn Dino Spiluttini is currently on
rapid-fire mode, with three cassettes on as many labels due out this season. Here’s
the Umor Rex one, No Horizon, which finds Vienna’s finest drained by the experience
of limbo and making weary, loop-based tunes about it. As usual with ol’ Disp, there’s
shuddering distortion and superb bass production to help convey gorgeous, frail
fraughtness. Ed. of 100 copies.
UR      116     ALEJANDRO MORSE         LIMINAL                     CS+DLc      10.2018

        1.      The Room                                        08:09
        2.      Farewell Twilight Bird                          07:37
        3.      Empty Cage                                      06:10
        4.      Liminal                                         06:41
        5.      Erdkinder Brotherhood                           07:44
        6.      Clear(ish) Light (Tube Noise Rework)            07:12

Liminal is Edgar Medina's newest album from his Alejandro Morse project. Medina's
life has recently been touched by tragedy and so Liminal has become an extremely
personal album, documenting his processing of it. Medina travelled extensively when
doing so, making field recordings in Mexico, the USA and Switzerland, which he then
layered to create the album. Ed. od 200 copies
UR      117     SLOWS                   ENORMOUS PAUSE              CS+DLc      10.2018

        1.      16” 25’                                         16:25
        2.      14” 10’                                         14:10

If you've seen Wire at any point since 2010 you may have wondered who the young
long haired one is. That man is Matthew Simms who is here as Slows. On Enormous
Pause Simms has found inspiration in the tape format, as it reminded him of his
time as a 12 year old trying out a 4-track. This sense of possibility has resulted
in a tape bursting with warm analogue ambience, that's just a little bit playful.
Ed. od 200 copies
UR      118     M. GEDDES GENDRAS       THREDS OF ASCLEPIUS             2MP3    11.2019

        1       Untitled Improvisation In 3 Takes               22:53
        2       10 Voices                                       21:10
UR      119
UR      120     ALEJANDRO MORSE         444                             6DL     11.2019

        1       A Long Good-Bye                                 9:00
        2       444                                             6:48
        3       The Last Dance                                  8:32
        4       The Fertility Cane                              9:04
        5       Fading into Emptiness                           7:16
        6       The Serpent in the Garden                       7:22
                (Note : LP , 330 copies on blue vinyl)

        1.      La Chapelle de Francis Lai                      03:52
        2.      Petrolio                                        04:50
        3.      Simple Theme                                    03:42
        4.      Makonde Pattern                                 04:22
        5.      Herbstspaziergang                               04:21
        6.      Venedig                                         02:26
        7.      Trinidad Pattern                                03:45
        8.      Poro Secret Society                             03:52
        9.      Obergerung                                      04:35
        10.     Verblassende Erinnerung                         03:47
        11.     Synchronisation                                 03:14
UR      122     SOL OOSEL : En allégeance a l'inconnaissable — Une      LP      10.2019
                étude en chorégraphie pour le flux d'énergie

        1.      In Allegiance To The Unknowable                 04:48
        2.      The Remains Of Earlier Temples                  02:50
        3.      Fare Il Proprio (Autres Directions)             04:14
        4.      Notre Soulevement                               04:50
        5.      North Wind Through The Gates Of Hearing         04:56
        6.      Asymmetrical Harmony And The Dissolution Of
                Reality                                         02:34
        7.      Here (Au Bord De L’Univers)                     10:26
        8.      Temple Of Names                                 03:47
        9.      Attunement For A Thunderstorm                   02:43
                (Note : LP , crystal-clear vinyl)
UR      123     YVES MALONE             THE BEGINNING OF NOTHING        CS        .2020

        1.      Expressway to Babylon                           06:18
        2.      I Lay in Darkness, Listening                    07:01
        3.      I Eat Your Face                                 04:08
        4.      Awake in a Beautiful Place                      04:15
        5.      White Horse is the Angels Mouth                 05:36
        6.      Home Before the War                             05:20
        7.      Cheers to Hell                                  09:13
UR      124     THÉ DÉLUGE              TROPICAL SYNDROMS               CS        .2020

        1       Tiger 1
        2       Tiger 2
UR      125     MatthewDavid            EXPERIMENTAL BLISS              CS        .2020

        1       Lo-fi Bliss Music                               17:35
        2       Dynamic Rhythmicals                             16:51
UR      126
UR      127 CS  MAATSETHE : CHIMERIC SKETCHES 2002 - 2020               CS+DLc  02.2021

        1       Maatsethe               Kitty Wu
        2       Maatsethe               Surrounding French Ambience
        3       Maatsethe               San Berlino Conclusion
        4       Maatsethe               Failed / Retried
        5       Fonoda                  Pako (Maatsethe Re:action)
        6       Maatsethe               Tired Vortex
        7       Fonoda : Basement Youth (Maatsethe Re:form)

Maatsethe's solo output is all about ambient and sound collage. Loads of processed 
guitars and samples meander between walls of sound, intimate harmonies and a kind of
melancholic cinematic landscape. Stoic basslines are surrounded by soft and gentle
spheres. A bit of post-rock feel, every now and then, always wrapped up in a meditative
monotony, slightly interrupted by small epic narratives to gaze up. Maatsethe
(Matthias Neuefeind, Berlin) curates the KeplarRev series with vinyl reissues of
essential electronic albums from the '90s and '00s, he plays in the band Fonoda and
is part of the project Washer, Zimmer & the Guitar People. Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
composed by Maatsethe Tracks 5, 7 composed by Fonoda. All tracks recorded by
Maatsethe. Mastering by Edgar Medina. Artwork by Daniel Castrejón. Includes download
code; edition of 100.
UR      128     SHAPES                  BEYOND REFLECTIONS              CS      10.2020

        1.      Benzin                                          05:17
        2.      Interference                                    05:07
        3.      Snakes                                          03:29
        4.      Magnetic Mountain                               05:26
        5.      Beyond Reflection                               04:32
        6.      Einzeller (For Alien Radio)                     04:32
        7.      Two Stones                                      04:16
        8.      Energies of the Mind                            04:59
UR      129     PHANTOM HORSE           MEHR NULL                       LP      12.2020
                (Note : LP , 300 copies, pink transparent vinyl)
UR      129     PHANTOM HORSE           MEHR NULL                       DL      12.2020

        1.      Mynah Bird Sounds                               07:26
        2.      Owl                                             07:14
        3.      Nachtwinkel                                     03:56
        4.      Mehr Null                                       06:59
        5.      Common Magic                                    08:18
        6.      Constellations of Mabu                          07:40
UR      130     DRIFTMACHINE            SPUME & RECOLLECTION            LP        .2021

        1.      Albatros Follows A Killer Whale                 11:27
        2.      The Surge At The End Of The Mind                09:53
        3.      Memories Of The Lakeside                        09:41
        4.      Soon I Will Disappear                           09:16
                (Note : LP , 300 copies on violet vinyl)

        A1      Aufregend
        A2      El Cielo Responde
        A3      Walk
        A4      In D
        B1      Air Condition
        B2      Let's Talk About The Weather I
        B3      Let's Talk About The Weather II
        B4      Let's Talk About The Weather III
        B5      Let's Talk About The Weather IV
                (Note : LP , 500 copies on transp.-yellow vinyl)
UR      132
                (Note : 2LP , 300 copies , gatefold)

LP 1    A       Annotations 1 I - III                           16:51
        B       Annotations 2 I - V                             14:03

LP 2    C       Annotations 3 I - IV                            15:26
        D       Annotations 4 I - III                           18:49
UR      134     XOKOLATL (bar)/XXPXOXARE BY SOL OOSEL                           09.2021

(Chocolate bar by La Rifa. Recorded and Mixed by Sol Oosel. Design by Daniel
UR      135     ALEJANDRO MORSE         STONEWALLING                    CS      02.2022
UR      135     ALEJANDRO MORSE         STONEWALLING                    DL      02.2022

        01      A Mystery Manifested
        02      I’m Becoming In Everything You Want
        03      Ghosting Me Out
        04      Breadcrumbs
        05      Stonewalling
        06      Don’t Let Me Down This Time

Produced by Alejandro Morse aka Edgar Medina in León, México. Mastered by Edgar
Medina. Photos & design by Daniel Castrejón.
UR      136     U. SCHUTTE/G. STEENKISKE : s/t                          CS+DLc  02.2022

        A1      Meestal Hieronder                               20:45
        B1      Guter Alter Richard                             17:40
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Recorded by G. Steenkiste and U. Schütte in December 2020 in Sint-Denijs & Hamburg.
Mastered by Edgar Medina. Photos & design by Daniel Castrejón.
UR      137     YAMILA                  VISIONS                         LP      07.2022
                (Note : LP , gatefold)
UR      137     YAMILA                  VISIONS                         DL      07.2022

        01      Visions I
        02      Visions II
        03      Visions III
        04      Visions IV
        05      Visions V
        06      Visions VI
        07      Visions VII

All songs written and performed by Yamila Ríos, except “Visions I”, which features
Rafael Anton Irisarri. Recorded between the Swedish winter and the Belgian
countryside. Additional musicians: Simbad guitar on V-IV and V-I, Vera Cavallin
harp on VIV. Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri at Black Knoll Studio. NY. Photos
by Virginia Rota in Madrid. Design by Daniel Castrejón in Mexico City.
UR      138     ALEXANDRE BAZIN         FOUR STEPS                      12"     04.2022

A.      01.     Alexandre Bazin         Four Steps I
        02.     Alexandre Bazin         Four Steps II
B.      03.     Alexandre Bazin         Four Steps III
        04.     Alexandre Bazin         Four Steps IV

Paris-based producer Alexandre Bazin returns to Umor Rex with another side to his
music approach.
The album is a four-track EP released in vinyl 12" in 45 rpm, finely mastered by
John Tejada with a focal point in harmonics and dimension, offering an exquisite
hi-fidelity experience even for the digital lossless audience. Alexandre Bazin has
been a member of the France GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) since 2005.
Composed and mixed by Alexandre Bazin at Château Rouge. Drums in "Four Steps III"
by François Desmoulins. Mastered by John Tejada in Sherman Oaks. Artwork and photos
by Daniel Castrejón in Mexico City. Die-cut sleeve; 45rpm; includes download code;
edition of 300.


















All notes taken from: