FLUFF RECORDS                           Leeds
*************                           UK

                                        86 Parklands Drive
                                        Leicaster  LE11 2TD

Owner  : D.McLaughlin
Distr. : UK -
Style  : indie / abstract / avantgarde / experimantal / noise / shoegazer /
         lo-fi / ethereal / indie pop / Brit pop / post punk / cold wave /
         ethereal /

ARC   001   H O O D             CABLED LINEAR TRACTION                  LP        .1994
            Norfolk / Evening Return / Untitled / The Hay Harvest Had
            Special Charms / An Oblique View Of An Irrationally Happy
            Time / Small Town Prejudices / Abstracting Electricity /
            A Spell Of rain / Fades To End A Day // Fashion Mistake Of
            The Decade / Summers Last Annual / Coastal Driftings /
            British Radars / CHurch , Circular / Be Nice To Everyone
            At All Times (With Few Important Exceptions) / Finite
            Differences / Untitled # 2 / A Thinly Veiled Excuse For
            Something More
            (Note : LP 200 copies , same as Slumberland Rec. SLR 46 ,
            1100 copies)
ARC     2   DRIVER U.F.O.       INDICT                                  12"       .1994

        A1      Subjacent Censor
        A2      Character Assasinator
        A3      Decollate Edict
        A4      Crack(s)
        A5      Repressed Apposite Components
        A6      My Building
        A7      Cuss
        A8      (The Interference On) Saccadic Movements Of The Eye
                (Note : 12" , 1-sided , 180 copies)
HONEY   1   ASPIDISTRA          Grip // Frances                         7"        .1991
HONEY   2   BOYRACER            Railway // Reverse                      7"        .1991
HONEY   3   LEICHTENSTEIN GIRL  CIRCUS EXHIBIT                          7"        .1992
            It Helps Me Think / Hitch / Upside Down House / Maunder /
            Sun City Girl Song
            (Note : 7" , 1-sided)
HONEY   4   H O O D             Sirens // Fault / Your 6th Sense        7"        .1992
            (Note : 7" 500 copies)
HONEY   5   ASPIDISTRA          Craddle // Demand Better Protection     7"        .1992
HONEY   6   H O O D             OPENING INTO ENCLOSURE : I Didn't Think 7"        .1993
            You Were Going To Hit Me In The Face / In The Trap Of Doing
            / Chosing A Grimage
            (Note : 7" , 1-sided , 500 hand-numbered copies)
HONEY   7   SUPER EIGHT         LETTERS                                 7"        .1993
            Letters / Two Things /// I Don't Know Why I Came
HONEY   8   SUPER EIGHT         Volume 2                                7"        .1993
            Baby Javelin // Whatever You're Good At / Almost Perfect
            Double Catharsis
HONEY   9   EGGPLANT            Eggplant                                7"        .1993
HONEY   10  SPINE               Tiny Bones // Jack's Hit                7"        .1993
DANNY   A   WICKER BISCUIT      Basement                                7"        .1992
DANNY   B   HOOD/HULA HOOP/BLAIRMAILER : Split                          flexi     .1992

        A1      Hula Hoop       Emma Peel, Formula One
        A2      Boyracer        One For Sorrow
        A3      Boyracer        New Zealand 2
                (Note : flexi disc, 1-side , 80 clear-yellow copies)
DANNY   5   V / A               SLEEPING DEEPLY                         C60       .1992

        A1      Boy Racer               Tested
        A2      Kensingtons             I Wonder What She's Doing Now
        A3      Euthanasia              In A Spin
        A4      Millers                 The Tree
        A5      Sweetest Ache           Sing
        A6      Librarian               Things Fall
        A7      Hula Hoop               Vaseline Gun
        A8      Hood                    Substation
        B1      Peru                    Precious Days
        B2      Kensingtons             Strawberry U
        B3      Ectoplasm Utd           Baby
        B4      Hula Hoop               Time To Go
        B5      Millers                 Zombie
        B6      Hood                    Means To Back Reforms
        B7      Satchel                 All Star
        B8      Orange                  Rudolph Grey
DANNY   7   V / A               Foreign Intervention                    cass.     .1992

        A1      Usura                   Lovesick
        A2      Antiseptic Beauty       Shoegae
        A3      Hula Hoop               Oh Toby
        A4      Tse Tse Fly             Die Back
        A5      Mercenary Tree Freaks   Michelin Man
        A6      Lovehappy               Kiss Me
        A7      The Deskimoes           In So Low
        A8      E.U.                    Baby (4 Track Version)
        A9      La Sintesis             It's You
        A10     Boyracer                Where I Started
        B1      Erase Today             Miles Away
        B2      Satchel                 Tender Flesh
        B3      Hula Hoop               Queen Of The Sneaks
        B4      Tramway                 Double R
        B5      The Deskimoes           My Time Has Come
        B6      Lovehappy               Surprise Me
        B7      Usura                   Cockamamie
        B8      Super Eight             20/20 Instrumental
        B9      Librarian               Everythinig Has To Come To An End (Live)
DANNY   9   HULA HOOP           Emma Peel , Formula 1                   flexi     .1992
            BOYRACER            One For Sorrow
                                New Zealand 2
            (Note : flexi , 99 clear copies)
DANNY   25  V / A               SHATTERED FRAGMENTS                     CS        .1003

        A1      Monica's Uncle          Falling Down
        A2      McTells                 Sweetly Breathing
        A3      Les autres              Helene K
        A4      Freebase Winterton      Cinnamon
        A5      Hood                    Untitled #2
        A6      Gerald Fort             Geoff Canell Reporting
        A7      New Warm Skin           Tongue Tied
        A8      Rentboy                 Herbivore
        B1      Monica's Uncle          With You
        B2      New Warm Skin           Dropkick
        B3      Hood                    Summer's Last Annual
        B4      All Too Human           Watcher of Goodbyes
        B5      Springhill Fair         Untitled (Live)
        B6      McTells                 Clean
        B7      Hula Hoop               You Are Special
        B8      Gerald Fort             Tribute to Morse
BLINK   1   HULA HOOP           MY SWEET AMPUTEE                        LP        .1993

Leave,Time To Go / She Comes Alone (If At All) / Sometimes I Feel Just Alright / Oh
Toby / Stairway To Elizabeth //// Superstar Gurl / Satie Organ Interlude /Ventriloquist
Understood / Trouble And His Dog / Hey Twenty 3 / Blues From A Vaseline Gun / Emma Peel
Formuler One
(Note : LP , 100 copies)
GOLDSBORO  001  DEBRIS SLIDE            ARAIDO                          12"     05.2015

        A1      Education Pt.1
        A2      Fantasy Football Is Ruining My Life
        A3      Godspeed You Solid Eggs
        A4      Bury Me
        B1      Remedios
        B2      The Fog
        B3      Aubrey
        B4      Education Pt.2
                (Note : 12"/45 RPM , 100 copies + 10 RSD copies)
GOLDSBORO  002  HIDEOUS TOWNS           HIDEOUS TOWNS                   12"     04.2016

        1       Solipsism
        2       Undone
        3       Devolution
        4       Um Expression
        5       Pets
                (Note : 12"/45 RPM , 100 copies total)
GOLDSBORO  003  liechtenstein girl      WE WERE NEAR FAR                LP        .2015
                (Note : LP , 100 copies)
GOLDSBORO  004  HIDEOUS TOWN            EP                              12"     04.2016

        A1      Animal                                          3:18
        A2      The Corner of the Party                         4:05
        A3      Jesuss                                          3:44
        A4      Behind Yr Back                                  1:52
        A5      Edrosy                                          1:51
        A6      Underground                                     4:24
        A7      Spectrum                                        1:54

Limited one-sided 12" LP in linocut sleeve. Edition of 100 copies.
GOLDSBORO  005  SODA EAVES              MURRAY, DARLING                 LP      04.2016

        1       aprhodisia
        2       darling
        3       the starset hotel
        4       victoria
        5       benny and the jets
        6       shadows edge
        7       murray
        8       lemonade
        9       holy ghost

Only 50 copies for the UK (from a 100 quantity pressing) housed in a full colour board

LP      Brierfield Flood Press 04       2016    Australia
GOLDSBORO  006  RUSSIAN BATHS           AMBULANCE                       CS      07.2016

        1       Ambulance                                       4:41
        2       Ghost                                           6:12
                (Note : cassette , 1-sided , 30 copies)
GOLDSBORO  007  liechtenstein girl : WE MET WHERE THE LIGHTS DON'T SEE  CS      07.2016

        1       we meet where the lights don't see
                (Note : cassette , 1-sided , 30 copies)

FLUF    29      MOSCA                   TOUCHIE RIDDIM EP               CS+DLc  11.2019

White C24 cassette with orange on-body printing, dubbed in real-time. Orange and green
risograph J-Card, printed on 240gm Munken Pure paper, at BEAST Studio Malmö.