CHATTERBOX RECORDS                      P.O.Box A1437
******************                      Sydney South
                                        1235 Syddney


Start   : 1997
Owner   : Nik Tropiano/Sebastian Chase
Distr.  : MGM
Style   : alternative /punk / pop punk / nu metal / prog metal / psychedelic /
          stoner / gridcore . death metal / doom metal /

CB      01      CULT 45                 NOW WE ARE SICK                 7"        .1997

        A1      Now We Are Sick
        B1      Surf's Up
        B2      Vampire's Room
CB      02
CB      03      SKULLER                 BITTERSWEET                     CD        .1998

        1       Bittersweet                                     2:07
        2       Potential for Success                           4:39
        3       Doofus                                          7:47
                - Doofus
                - [silence]
                - Morgan to the Moon (Remix)
CB      04
CB      05      HENRY'S ANGTER          PERSONALITY TEST                CD      05.1999

        1       Submit                                          3:36
        2       One to Fifteen                                  5:33
        3       Store in a Cool Dry Place                       4:27
        4       Personality Test                                4:30
        5       One Dollareighty                                2:41
        6       Sadcase                                         5:04
        7       Emotional Zero                                  3:52
        8       Fragment                                        4:43
        9       Blowfly                                         5:47
        10      Exit                                            4:42
CB      06      =daredevil=             THIRD DEGREE BURNOUT            CDEP    10.1999

        1       All Fucked Up                                   3:43
        2       Circle Work                                     2:06
        3       Jesse Custer                                    3:20
        4       Geezer                                          3:19
        5       Go!                                             3:50
        6       Concrete                                        5:35
CB      07      V / A                   UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS        2CD       .1999

CD 1    1-1     Nazxul                  Vow Of Vengeance
        1-2     Misery                  Immortal
        1-3     Psi.Kore                Cut
        1-4     Alchemist               Austral Spectrum
        1-5     Destroyer 666           Lone Wolf Winter
        1-6     Deadspawn               Scarblind
        1-7     Volatile                Beer, Sluts And Mangled Corpses
        1-8     Bloodduster             Showered With Affection Part 2
        1-9     Anatomy                 Just One More Nail
        1-10    Sithlord                Enslaved To Hades
        1-11    Cryogenic               Death By Misadventure
        1-12    Damaged : Vengeance Consequence (Crucified Remix 99)
        1-13    Automation              Body Obsolete
        1-14    Crucible Of Agony : Come Forth To Lands Of The Plague Bearer
        1-15    Earth                   Of This Spell

CD 2    2-1     Sadistik Exekution      Volcanik Violence
        2-2     Lord Kaos               Black Earth
        2-3     Psychrist               The Abysmal Fiend
        2-4     Baltak                  The Truth About Macedonia
        2-5     Abortus                 All That Was
        2-6     Armoured Angel          Gadarene Swine
        2-7     Rok                     Malfunctions Void
        2-8     Astriaal                As Mist Befell The Ruins
        2-9     Sulkus                  New Fashioned Corpse
        2-10    Engraved                Necuratul Nefarious
        2-11    Miscreation             Reingarnal Fate
        2-12    Ebolie                  System Collapse
        2-13    Deluge : Bloodied Carcass In The Eve Of Yesteryear
        2-14    Manticore               Severed Ties
        2-15    Dungeon                 No Way Out
CB      08      PSI-KORE                PSI-KORE                        CDEP      .2000

        1       Pioneering Conflict                             4:37
        2       Inbred Hate                                     4:22
        3       Faker Taker                                     4:54
        4       Lost In The Aether                              4:03
        5       Cut                                             4:43
        6       Revolve                                         4:23
CB      09      SKULLER                 TOO FAT FOR TAHITI              CD      02.2000

        1       Newport Nightmare                               4:47
        2       Hej                                             3:14
        3       Strawberry Deluxe                               3:59
        4       Never Forget                                    4:02
        5       Naughty                                         5:11
        6       Half Past Midnight                              4:25
        7       Oh Well                                         2:55
        8       Morgan                                          3:11
        9       Not a Tribute                                   3:34
        10      Situation:Desperation                           4:01
        11      Mr Cutie Pie                                    3:30
        12      20th Century Boy                                3:53
CB      10      ALCHEMIST               ORGANASM                        CD      03.2000

        1       Austral Spectrum                                5:41
                Evolution Trilogy
        2       - Part 1 - The Bio Approach                     4:58
        3       - Part 2 - Rampant Micro Life                   4:31
        4       - Part 3 - Warring Tribes - Eventual Demise     5:14
        5       Single Sided                                    5:23
        6       Surreality                                      3:32
        7       New Beginning                                   4:59
        8       Tide In, Mind Out                               5:30
        9       Eclectic                                        5:22
        10      Escape From the Black Hole                      5:28
CB      11      INSURGE                 GLOBALIZATION                   CD        .2000

        1       Images Of London                                3:08
        2       Talk Of The Sun                                 3:37
        3       Economist King                                  3:12
        4       Lock On                                         3:45
        5       Happy Birthday Union Carbide                    3:30
        6       Enslaved                                        3:53
        7       Winners                                         3:03
        8       Feast Or Famine                                 2:36
        9       Car Crash                                       3:10
        10      Power                                           2:50
        11      Dumbing Down                                    3:20
        12      Sydney 2000 Toxic Sludge                        2:00
CB      12
CB      13
CB      14      HARD-ONS                THIS TERRIBLE PLACE             CD      11.2000

        1       Oyster Sauce                                    2:56
        2       Strangers                                       2:02
        3       Ice Cream                                       2:15
        4       First Cut Is the Weakest                        3:57
        5       Time Won't Let Me                               2:43
        6       Trouble Trouble                                 4:41
        7       Dim the Lights                                  3:05
        8       Shark's Head                                    2:25
        9       Fallen Star                                     2:53
        10      Charger                                         3:38
        11      I'm Bringing You Death                          5:20
        12      Nosebleed                                       2:08
        13      Sadly Ever After                                4:23
        14      Birthday                                        2:38
        15      Vultures                                        2:16
        16      I Hate Clubbers                                 5:10
CB      15      SKULLER                 NEWPORT NIGHTMARE               CDS     03.2001

        1       Newport Nightmare (Album Version)               4:47
        2       Strawberry Deluxe (Album Version)               4:00
        3       I'm Really Upset Because I Love Madonna and
                I'll Never Get to Meet Her Unless (Of Course)
                She Signs Us to Maverick                        4:57
        4       Strawberry Deluxe (Remix)                       3:44
        5       Newport Nightmare (Remix)                       6:17
CB      16
CB      17
CB      18      LAST DAYS OF APRIL      ASPIRINS AND ALCOHOL            CDS       .2000

        1       Aspirins And Alcohol
        2       The Days I Recall Being Wonderful
        3       Chainsaw Christmas
CB      19
CB      20
CB      21

        1       Just For Today
        2       Telegram
        3       Stolen
        4       Open Heart Surgery
        5       Nevertheless
        6       Sailor
        7       You Have Been Disconnected
        8       Leave Nothing For Sancho
        9       Let Me Stand Next To Your Flower
        10      If I Love You?
        11      (I Love You) Always
        12      If I Love You? (New European Gold Standard Secret
                Babylonian Brotherhood Cinema Mix)
CB      23
CB      24
CB      25      SKULLER                 COMING HOME                     CDS       .2003

        1       Coming Home                                     4:08
        2       Be With You                                     2:45
        3       Give Me Something Back                          2:33
CB      26      SKULLER                 THE DOUBLE LIFE                 CD        .2003

        1       Rock Nugget                                     2:54
        2       Day After Yesterday                             3:08
        3       Coming Home                                     4:07
        4       Divine                                          3:41
        5       In Your Arms                                    4:07
        6       Mad Again                                       3:25
        7       Peace and Quiet                                 3:15
        8       Not the Same                                    2:41
        9       What You Don't Know                             3:09
        10      Oh Yeah                                         3:26
        11      Far Away From Sadness                           2:43
        12      Sit Down Stand Up                               3:32
        13      Under Trees                                     4:04
CB      27      FORT                    IN A NEW LIGHT                  CD      02.2003

        1       Intro                                           0:49
        2       Ghost Train                                     4:39
        3       Submachine                                      3:36
        4       Risin Sun of Venus                              2:57
        5       Her Motives Right                               5:13
        6       OneTwenty                                       1:57
        7       Deadweight                                      3:29
        8       Monsta Trucka                                   6:36
        9       Santa Rosa                                      3:34
        10      In a New Light                                  4:00
        11      White Sands of Brays                            5:06
        12      Skychaser                                       3:39
        13      Fly                                             4:53
        14      Slo Glyde                                       7:51
CB      28      HARD-ONS                VERY EXCITING!                  CD      03.2003

        1       Sunny                                           2:45
        2       Punk Police                                     1:40
        3       Scared of It All                                3:16
        4       Baka                                            5:14
        5       Killing Me                                      1:20
        6       Olympic Diver                                   2:35
        7       Radio                                           2:19
        8       Cat's Got Your Tongue                           3:04
        9       Pimple Boy                                      1:03
        10      Taxi                                            1:34
        11      Race Track                                      3:00
        12      Caravan Man                                     2:02
        13      (Every Time I Hear) Techno (I Pray for Death)   2:33
        14      Breakfast Caramel                               4:54
        15      Preservation of a Wildcat                       3:08
CB      29
CB      30      ATCHEMIST               AUSTRAL ALIEN                   CD      06.2003

        1       First Contact                                   3:08
        2       Great Southern Wasteland                        4:13
        3       Solarburn                                       3:51
        4       Alpha Cappella Nova Vega                        4:33
        5       Older Than the Ancients                         4:42
        6       Backward Journey                                4:24
        7       Nature on a Leash                               4:03
        8       Grief Barrier                                   3:34
        9       Epsilon                                         3:55
        10      Speed of Life                                   4:07
        11      Letter to the Future                            5:51
CB      31
CB      32      FORT                    DEADWEIGHT                      CDS     06.2003
CB      33      SKULLER                 IN YOUR ARMS                    CDS     10.2003

        1       In Your Arms                                    4:10
        2       Material Girl                                   3:31
        3       Shayne                                          3:56
        4       The Weekend                                     4:14
CB      34

        1       Introesque
        2       Starcleaner
        3       Here To Go
        4       When Jokers Attack
        5       Prozac Vs. Heroin
        6       Geezers
        7       Maryanne
        8       You Look Great When I'm Fucked Up
        9       Here It Comes
        10      What Did You Say
        11      Prozac Vs. Heroin Revisited
        12      A New Low In Getting High
        13      Some Things Go Without Saying
        14      Tschusse
        15      The Pregnancy Test
CB      36      THE LOVETONES           STARS                           CDEP      .2003

        1       Stars
        2       Inside A Dream
        3       It's Not Over Yet
        4       This Is Why You Love Me
        5       Across The Sea
CB      37
CB      38
CB      39      COCKFIGHT SHOOTOUT      BORED UNTIL BROKEN              CDEP    09.2004
CB      40
CB      41      UNPAID DEBT : BROKEN HEARTS...BROKEN BONES              CDEP    10.2004

        1       My Bullet Proof Life
        2       I Know
        3       Enemy of My Enemy
        4       Call it a Day
        5       Safe Like Dynamite
        6       Verity
CB      42      FORT                    NEVER COMIN' DOWN               CDEP    10.2004
CB      43      ALCHEMIST               EMBRYONICS 90-98                2CD     10.2005

 CD 1   1.1     Chinese Whispers                                9:37
        1.2     Abstraction                                     3:37
        1.3     Unfocused                                       6:21
        1.4     Enhancing Enigma                                5:17
        1.5     Dancing to Life                                 6:03
        1.6     Brumal                                          5:45
        1.7     Lunation                                        3:46
        1.8     Staying Conscious                               5:42
        1.9     Shell                                           4:03
        1.10    Garden of Eroticism                             7:24
        1.11    Jar of Kingdom                                  6:16
        1.12    Paisley Bieurr                                  3:51
        1.13    Yoni Kunda (Live)                               5:50
        1.14    Closed Chapter (Live)                           5:02

CD 2    2.1     Eve of the War                                  5:17
        2.2     Beyond Genesis                                  7:19
        2.3     Yoni Kunda                                      5:11
        2.4     Purple                                          3:42
        2.5     Imagination Flower                              2:44
        2.6     Spiritechnology                                 6:33
        2.7     Soul Return                                     8:17
        2.8     Road to Ubar                                    5:37
        2.9     Found                                           1:20
        2.10    Clot                                            4:34
        2.11    Worlds Within Worlds                            7:05
        2.12    My Animated Truth                               3:35
        2.13    Closed Chapter                                  5:03
        2.14    Chinese Whispers (Live)                         9:29
CB      44      FURTHER                 FOOLS IN LOCE                   CDS     03.2006
CB      45
CB      46      FURTHER                 FURTHER!                        CD      09.2005

        1       In the Sticks                                   4:47
        2       Fools in Love                                   3:02
        3       Attack on Peril Isle                            3:31
        4       The Actor                                       3:00
        5       Wishlist                                        3:40
        6       That Meddlesome Creep                           0:56
        7       The Last Request                                5:22
        8       Heavy Scene                                     3:41
        9       Charlotte St.                                   5:20
        10      Stuck in a Rut                                  3:50
        11      An Adolescent Punk With a Smouldering Grudge    0:54
        12      The Weight of a Secret (In Two Movements), Pt 1 1:47
        13      The Weight of a Secret (In Two Movements), Pt 2 3:17 
CB      47      HARD-ONS : MOST PEOPLE ARE A WASTE OF TIME              CD      04.2006

        1       What Would Stiv Bators Do                       3:13
        2       I'm Hurt I'm in Pain                            3:12
        3       There Goes One of the Creeps That Hassled My
                Girlfriend                                      1:58
        4       Crack                                           2:07
        5       Knowing My Luck                                 3:41
        6       I'll Get Thrush or Something                    3:13
        7       Bubble Bath                                     4:52
        8       Stop Crying                                     4:06
        9       Poorest Kid on the Block                        2:58
        10      But Officer I Was Just Doing My Job             4:29
        11      Her Smile Is a Wish I Can't Obtain              2:19
        12      The Ballad of Katrin Cartlidge                  4:06
        13      Cockroach                                       3:38
CB      48      1-2-SEPPUKU             MY OBSESSION WITH JERUSALEM     CDEP    08.2006

        1       You Are Not a Decepticon                        5:59
        2       Christina Ricci vs. Mira Sorvino                9:01
        3       I Sometimes Fear that I May Lose My Vocabulary  5:23
CB      49      NASHVILLE PUSSY         GET SOME!                       CD        .2005

        1       Pussy Time                                      2:42
        2       Come On Come On                                 3:17
        3       Going Down Swinging                             2:24
        4       Good Night For A Heart Attack                   4:16
        5       Hate And Whisky                                 3:06
        6       Lazy White Boy                                  3:15
        7       Hell Ain't What It Used To Be                   2:44
        8       One Way Down                                    3:22
        9       Raisin' Hell Again                              1:56
        10      Atlanta's Still Burning                         2:42
        11      Nutbush City Limits                             3:19
        12      Meaner Than My Mama                             3:09
        13      Snowblind                                       3:53
CB      50      EINSTELLUNG             WINGS OF DESIRE                 CD      09.2006

        1       Tot                                             7:35
        2       Ich Auch                                        9:29
        3       Schwester                                       8:28
        4       Konstant                                        7:44
        5       Ungeeignet                                      17:37
        6       Liedy Kann Meinen Hintern Kussen                14:26 
CB      51      LAURA IMBRUGLIA         LAURA IMBRUGLIA                 CD        .2006

        1       Looking For A Rabbit
        2       Surly
        3       Mad Scientist
        4       My Opus
        5       Tear Ducts
        6       Lettuce & Anarchists
        7       It's Getting Worse
        8       Hurt My Feelings
        9       Home Sweet Home
        10      I Wanna Throw Stones
        11      My Dream Of A Magical Washing Machine
        12      What She Said
CB      52      MASSAPPEAL              JAZZ                            CD      11.2006

        1       When All's Done                                 4:36
        2       If I Don't                                      2:31
        3       Inward Span                                     3:41
        4       Balance                                         3:19
        5       Awoke in August                                 3:28
        6       Damage Zone (Trip to This)                      5:51
        7       Cactus                                          3:12
        8       No Light, No Shadow                             2:53
        9       Everything at Once                              4:31
        10      More You Hate                                   2:46
        11      Illness                                         2:20
        12      Last One                                        3:41
        13      What I Want                                     4:04
CB      53      MASSAPPEAL              NOBODY LIKES A THINKER          2CD     11.2006

CD 1            Nobody Likes A Thinker 12", 1986
        1-1     Rat In A Hole                                   2:54
        1-2     Can't Forget                                    4:27
        1-3     I.V. Me                                         1:40
        1-4     Deadheads                                       3:27
        1-5     Forgiving                                       3:26
        1-6     Pissed On Life                                  4:26
        1-7     Beginning Of A Hurt                             3:33
                Bar Of Life 7", 1987
        1-8     Fun Again                                       2:59
        1-9     Are You Alright                                 3:35
                Lucky Country Compilation, 1988
        1-10    Elitist Shit                                    1:40
                Young Dumb And Naive Demo, 1986
        1-11    Rat In A Hole                                   2:50
        1-12    Fun Again                                       3:55
        1-13    Can't Forget                                    4:27
        1-14    Illness                                         2:35
        1-15    No Seduction                                    2:01
        1-16    Deadheads                                       2:20
        1-17    Are You Alright                                 3:57
        1-18    I.V. Me                                         1:29
        1-19    Pissed On Life                                  4:11

CD 2            Live At The Canberra Inn, 1987
        2-1     What I Want                                     3:50
        2-2     No Seduction                                    1:44
        2-3     Illness                                         2:25
        2-4     If I Don't                                      3:34
        2-5     Scream Of Desperation                           3:32
        2-6     Elitist Shit                                    1:45
        2-7     Balance                                         3:47
        2-8     Damage Zone                                     4:24
        2-9     Rat In A Hole                                   2:32
        2-10    Forgiving                                       3:05
        2-11    New One                                         4:13
        2-12    No Light, No Shadow                             2:41
        2-13    Can't Forget                                    4:29
        2-14    Deadheads                                       1:19
                Live At Waterfront Records, 1985
        2-15    Degenerated                                     2:17
        2-16    Mosmanised                                      1:44
        2-17    Time                                            1:01
        2-18    Can't Face Reality                              1:45
        2-19    I.V. Me                                         1:27
        2-20    Every Time I Open Up                            2:01
CB      54      ADAM FRANKLIN           BOLTS OF MELODY                 CD        .2007

        1       Seize The Day                                   2:12
        2       Sundown                                         3:50
        3       Morning Rain                                    4:00
        4       Song Of Solomon                                 3:13
        5       Theme From LSD                                  5:07
        6       Shining Somewhere                               3:44
        7       Birdsong (Moonshiner Version)                   2:58
        8       Canvey Island Baby                              4:35
        9       Syd's Eyes                                      2:30
        10      Walking In Heaven's Foothills                   4:05
        11      Birdsong                                        4:19
        12      Morning Rain (Return)                           1:11
        13      Ramonesland                                     6:49
        14      Silver Freight Train                            ??
CB      55      BLACKLEVEN EMBASSY      BAROC                           CD      02.2007

        1       Their Own Stars                                 3:24
        2       Linedancing                                     3:26
        3       Settle Down John                                8:20
        4       Setup                                           2:18
        5       So,We May Have Well Built This City On Rock n'
                Roll But Now Its Turning Around To Bite You On
                The Ass                                         5:37
        6       Pa:ri:ah                                        2:19
        7       Dallas F.B.I                                    2:03
        8       770/179                                         1:54
        9       Woman,Here Is Your Son                          5:43
        10      Closing Comment                                 5:35
CB      56      WOG                     WE ARE WOG                      CD        .2007

        1       Wog Rocks Your Liver
        2       To Halal And Back
        3       Godzilla Vs. The Immigration Department
        4       Dear God, Please Move Your Car
        5       Rice Diaries
        6       Jewish Chicken Killers
        7       Black Wog
        8       Garlic And Gangrene
CB      57
CB      58      ALCHEMIST               TRIPSIS                         CD      10.2007

        1       Wrapped in Guilt                                4:34
        2       Tongues and Knives                              5:15
        3       Nothing in No Time                              5:50
        4       Anticipation of a High                          4:34
        5       Grasp the Air                                   4:36
        6       Communichate                                    4:26
        7       Substance for Shadow                            4:50
        8       God Shaped Hole                                 5:05
        9       Degenerative Breeding                           3:47
CB      59      HARD-ONS : MOST PEOPLE ARE NICER THAN US                CD      08.2007

        1       Carrot Top
        2       Don't Fear The Reeperbahn
        3       Being Broke Is Fucked
        4       My Style Of Attack
        5       Punky No-No
        6       You Sir, Can Fuck Off
        7       Does That Come In Size Aquaman?
        8       Spent The Day In Hell, Was Bored
        9       I Got A Cause
        10      Bottom Feeders
        11      Making Money From Goths Is Easy
        12      Dance Parties = Dickhead Fest.
        13      Two Laps In Serbia
        14      Pretty Soon, I Will Burst Into Flames
        15      Rat Face And Buffalo Ass
CB      60      TALONS                  DUCATS                          CDEP      .2007

        1       Squid
        2       Sunrise Sunset
        3       ... Health
        4       Untitled
        5       Tuesday Night Lites
        6       This Could Only End Badly
CB      61
                IT WILL KILL YA

        1       Speak Ill Of The Dead Get Together
        2       The Sky Belongs To Us
        3       Door
        4       Rocket Ship
        5       Tonight We Are Protected By Wolves
        6       Choke
        7       The Suicide Notes Of Tom Scholz
        8       Postcards
        9       Why Are You Afraid Of Us
        10      Napalm Death T-Shirts
        11      Only The Whitest Of Lies Make It To Heaven
CB      63      FURTHER                 TACTICS                         CD      02.2008

        1       Perfect Teeth                                   2:08
        2       Tactics                                         1:47
        3       Bitter 'n' Rough                                1:54
        4       Super-Relaxo                                    2:12
        5       Destroyer                                       2:36
        6       Sons and Daughters                              2:17
        7       A Knife and a Smile                             2:39
        8       Please Leave Quietly                            2:29
        9       Magnesium Rays                                  1:46
        10      Karkana Kamuna Kaay                             2:51

        1       Furthest Village From The Sun                   4:29
        2       City of Painless Childbirth                     3:31
        3       Jubilation                                      4:31
        4       Buzzrd                                          3:50
CB      65      BLACKLEVEL EMBASSY      ASP                             CD        .2007

        1       Middle Eastern Distributor                      2:58
        2       Airport                                         1:53
        3       Rosie                                           3:15
        4       Walking Cobras                                  3:01
        5       Fuck!                                           2:22
        6       At The Mandarin                                 2:19
        7       So Slight                                       1:59
        8       Yo Vanilla                                      1:53
        9       Grievance Letter                                3:08
        10      Don Rodeo                                       6:20


BDO     2001 CD V / A                   BIG DAY OUT BIX 2001            2CD       .2000

CD 1    1-1     Limp Bizkit             Counterfeit (Lethal Dose Remix)
        1-2     Roni Size With Reprazent : Railing Part 2
        1-3     Carl Cox                Phuture 2000
        1-4     Happy Mondays           Staying Alive 12"
        1-5     Sasha / Darren Emerson : Scorchio
        1-6     Avalanches, The         Frontier Psychiatrist
        1-7     Placebo                 Spite And Malice
        1-8     Salmonella Dub          Johnny
        1-9     Black Eyed Peas         Joints And Jam
        1-10    Resin Dogs : Gimme A Break (JJJ Live At The Wireless 12/06/2000)
        1-11    Zoobombs                Thigthen Rap
        1-12    Pnau                    Meshes In The Afternoon
        1-13    Sonic Animation         Didley Squat (Radio Edit)
        1-14    BeXta                   One For The Road
        1-15    CJ Bolland & Honeysmack : Enter The Robot
        1-16    Friendly                Movin' On
        1-17    King Kapisi             Reverse Resistance

CD 2    2-1     Powderfinger            Thrilloilogy
        2-2     Alex Lloyd : Something Special (Resin Dogs SP1200Resination Mix)
        2-3     PJ Harvey               We Float
        2-4     You Am I                Sweet Alcohol
        2-5     Go-Betweens, The        Going Blind
        2-6     Killing Heidi           Mascara (Acoustic Mix)
        2-7     Skulker                 Naughty
        2-8     Coldplay                Shiver
        2-9     Queens Of The Stone Age : Better Living Through Chemistry
        2-10    At The Drive-In         Cosmonaut
        2-11    Rammstein               Engel
        2-12    Mudvayne                Death Blooms
        2-13    Superheist              Crank The System
        2-14    Bodyjar                 Not The Same
        2-15    28 Days                 Drink It Up (Live)
        2-16    Frenzal Rhomb           Everything's Fucked
        2-17    Nitocris                Manic (Remix)
        2-18    Coloured Stone          Dancing In The Moonligh