130701  RECORDS                         Fat Cat Records
***************                         P.O.Box 3400
                                        Brighton BN1 4WG


Fat Cat Records sub-label.

Distr.  : UK - Piccadilly/Norman/Bleep/
Style   : electronic / ambient / modern classical / post rock / experimental
          / minimal /

LP      1301    SET FIRE TO FLAMES : SINGS REIGN REBUILDER              2LP     10.2001

LP 2    A1      'I Will Be True...' (From Lips Of Dying Wonder Body #1)
                / Reign Rebuilder [Head]
        A2      Vienna Arcweld / Fucked Gamelan / Rigid Tracking
        B3      Steal Compass / Drive North / Disappear
        B4      Wild Dogs Of The Thunderbolt / 'They Cannot Lock Me Up...
                I Am Eternally Free...' (From Lips Of Dying Wonder Body #2)
        B5      Omaha

LP 2    C6      There Is No Dance In Frequency And Balance
        C7      Cote D'Abrahams Room Tone / 'What's Going On?
                (From Lips Of Dying Wonder Body #3)	
        C8      Love Song For 15 Ontario (W/ Singing Police Car)
        C9      Injur: Gutted Two-Track
        C10     When I First Get To Phoenix
        D11     Shit-Heap-Gloria Of The New Town Planning
        D12     Jesus / Pop
        D13     Esquimalt Harbour
        D14     Two Tears In A Bucket
        D15     Fading Lights Are Fading... / Reign Rebuilder [Tail Out]
                (Note : 2LP , gatefold , 24 p. booklet)
CD      1302    SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU        UN AUTRE DECEMBRE               CD      03.2003

        1       Minéral                                         3:26
        2       Sous Tes Yeux Probablement                      1:16
        3       Granulation 1                                   1:38
        4       Neuf Cents Lunes                                3:56
        5       Alors La Lumiere Vacille                        1:07
        6       Granulation 2                                   0:56
        7       Il Fait Nuit Noire A Berlin                     2:12
        8       La Lettre Qu'Il N'Envoya Jamais                 2:00
        9       Granulation 3                                   1:35
        10      Un Autre Décembre                               2:24
        11      Granulation 4                                   1:26
        12      Du Reve Dans Les Yeux                           1:30
                (Note : CD , digipak)
                TRAPPED IN STATIC

CD 1            Telegraphs In Negative
        1-1     Deja, Comme Des Trous De Vent, Comme Reproduit  6:43
        1-2     Small Steps Against Inertia/ Echo Of A Dead End 3:01
        1-3     Measure De Mesure                               4:45
        1-4     Holy Throat Hiss Tracts To The Sedative Hypnotic3:38
        1-5     When Sorrow Shoots Her Darts                    3:11
        1-6     Kill Fatigue Frequencies                        1:28
        1-7     In Prelight Isolate                             15:11
        1-8     Tehran In Seizure / Telegraphs In Negative      5:56

CD 2            Mouths Trapped In Static
        2-1     Your Guts Are Like Mine                         2:15
        2-2     Fukt Perkusiv / Something About Bad Drugs,
                Schizophrenics And Grain Silos...               8:11
        2-3     Sleep Maps                                      11:52
        2-4     Something About Eva Mattes In The Halo Of
                Exploding Street Lamps...                       1:47
        2-5     Buzz Of Barn Flies Like Faulty Electronics      3:39
        2-6     And The Birds Are About To Bust Their Guts
                With Singing                                    4:52
        2-7     Rites Of Spring Reverb                          3:33
        2-8     Mouths Trapped In Static                        2:27
        2-9     This Thing Between Us Is A Rickety Bridge Of
                Impossible Crossing/ Bonfires For Nobody...     5:33

(Note : 2CD , obi strip and 20-page full colour booklet inside cardboard
        sleeve packaging)
LP.CD   1304    MAX RICHTER             THE BLUE NOTEBOOKS              LP.CD   12.2008

        A1      The Blue Notebooks                              1:20
        A2      On The Nature Of Daylight                       6:11
        A3      Horizon Variations                              1:52
        A4      Shadow Journal                                  8:22
        A5      Iconography                                     3:38
        B1      Vladimir's Blues                                1:18
        B2      Arboretum                                       2:53
        B3      Old Song                                        2:11
        B4      Organum                                         3:13
        B5      The Trees                                       7:52
        B6      Written On The Sky                              1:39
LP      1305    MAX RICHTER             SONGS FROM BEFORE               LP      04.2009
CD      1305    MAX RICHTER             SONGS FROM BEFORE               CD      04.2009

        A1      Song                                            4:12
        A2      Flowers For Yulia                               6:50
        A3      Fragment                                        1:41
        A4      Harmonium                                       4:23
        A5      Ionosphere                                      1:25
        B1      Autumn Music 1                                  3:54
        B2      Time Passing                                    1:51
        B3      Sunlight                                        5:35
        B4      Lullaby                                         0:53
        B5      Autumn Music 2                                  3:49
        B6      Verses                                          1:43
        B7      From The Rue Vilin                              1:02
LP      1306 X  HAUSCHKA                ROOM TO EXPAND                  2LP     04.2016
CD      1306 X  HAUSCHKA                ROOM TO EXPAND                  CD      04.2019
A.      1       La Dilettante
        2       Paddington
        3       One Wish
        4       Chicago Morning
B.      5       Kleine Dinge
        6       Belgrade
        7       Sweet Spring Come
        8       Femmeassise

C.      9       Watercolour Milk
        10      Zahnluecke
        11      Fjorde
        12      Old Man Playing Boules
D.      13      Zooviertel
        14      Slow Motion
        15      Run Run
        16      Fragments
        17      Sitze
        18      Vakuum One
                (Note : double LP , 500 copies)

CD      1       La Dilettante                                   4:06
        2       Paddington                                      3:57
        3       One Wish                                        5:20
        4       Chicago Morning                                 4:56
        5       Kleine Dinge                                    4:04
        6       Belgrade                                        3:33
        7       Sweet Spring Come                               3:53
        8       Femmeassise                                     4:03
        9       Watercolour Milk                                4:29
        10      Zahnluecke                                      3:44
        11      Fjorde                                          3:37
        12      Old Man Playing Boules                          3:21
LP      1307    MAX RICHTER             24 POSTCARDS IN FULL COLOUR     LP      12.2008
                (Note : LP , 500 copies)
CD      1307    MAX RICHTER             24 POSTCARDS IN FULL COLOUR     CD      12.2008

        A1      The Road Is A Grey Tape                         1:01
        A2      H In New England                                1:50
        A3      This Picture Of Us. P.                          1:36
        A4      Lullaby From The Westcoast Sleepers             2:02
        A5      When The Northern Lights / Jasper And Louise    1:00
        A6      Circles From The Rue Simon – Crubellier         1:04
        A7      Cascade NW By W                                 1:12
        A8      A Sudden Manhattan Of The Mind                  2:51
        A9      In Louisville At 7                              1:03
        A10     Cathodes                                        1:01
        A11     I Was Just Thinking                             0:59
        A12     A Song For H / Far Away                         2:08
        B1      Return To Prague                                1:02
        B2      Broken Symmetries For Y                         1:00
        B3      Berlin By Overnight                             1:27
        B4      Cradle Song For A (Interstate B3)               2:11
        B5      Kierling / Doubt                                0:50
        B6      From 553 W Elm Street, Logan Illinois (Snow)    0:57
        B7      Tokyo Riddle Song                               1:00
        B8      The Tartu Piano                                 2:05
        B9      Cold Fusion For G                               0:35
        B10     32 Via San Nicolo                               1:23
        B11     Found Song For P.                               2:24
        B12     H Thinks A Journey                              0:57
LP      1308    HAUSCHKA                FERNDORF                        LP      09.2008
CD      1308    HAUSCHKA                FERNDORF                        CD      09.2008

        1       Blue Bicycle                                    5:37
        2       Morgenrot                                       3:29
        3       Rode Null                                       4:01
        4       Freibad                                         4:30
        5       Barfuss Durch Gras                              4:19
        6       Heimat                                          3:40
        7       Nadelwald                                       3:34
        8       Schones Madchen                                 3:40
        9       Eltern                                          4:21
        10      Alma                                            2:40
        11      Neuschnee                                       3:42
        12      Weeks Of Rain                                   2:38
LP      1309    MAX RICHTER             MEMORYHOUSE                     2LP     10.2009
CD      1309    MAX RICHTER             MEMORYHOUSE                     CD      10.2009

LP 1    A1      Europe, After The Rain                          6:13
        A2      Maria, The Poet (1913)                          4:47
        A3      Laika's Journey                                 1:30
        A4      The Twins (Prague)                              1:58
        A5      Sarajevo                                        4:03
        B1      Andras                                          2:42
        B2      Untitled (Figures)                              3:27
        B3      Sketchbook                                      1:54
        B4      November                                        6:21
        B5      Jan's Notebook                                  2:41

LP 2    C1      Arbenita (11 Years)                             7:04
        C2      Garden (1973) / Interior                        3:24
        C3      Landscape With Figure (1922)                    5:14
        D1      Fragment                                        1:26
        D2      Lines On A Page (One Hundred Violins)           1:22
        D3      Embers                                          3:38
        D4      Last Days                                       4:18
        D5      Quartet Fragment (1908)                         3:02
                OF MUSIC FROM FATCAT'S 130701 IMPRINT

        1       Set Fire To Flames : Steal Compass/Drive North/Disappear
        2       Sylvain Chauveau : Il Fait Nuit Noire A Berlin
        3       Set Fire To Flames : When Sorrow Shoots Her Darts
        4       Max Richter : On The Nature Of Daylight
        5       Max Richter             Autumn Music 2
        6       Hauschka                La Dilettante
        7       Max Richter             Cradle Song For A (Interstate B3)
        8       Hauschka                Blue Bicycle
        9       Max Richter             January Timelapse 2
        10      Hauschka                Waiting For The Bus
        11      Sylvain Chauveau        La Vie Lointaine
LP      1311    MAX RICHTER             INFRA                           LP      08.2010
CD      1311    MAX RICHTER             INFRA                           CD      08.2010

        A1      Infra 1                                         4:01
        A2      Journey 1                                       2:18
        A3      Infra 2                                         3:48
        A4      Infra 3                                         3:44
        A5      Journey 2                                       2:14
        A6      Infra 4                                         2:47
        B1      Journey 3                                       2:53
        B2      Journey 4                                       4:24
        B3      Journey 5                                       1:35
        B4      Infra 5                                         5:23
        B5      Infra 6                                         2:47
        B6      Infra 7                                         1:54
        B7      Infra 8                                         3:18
CD      1312    HAUSCHKA                FOREIGN LANDSCAPES              CD      10.2010

        1       Alexanderplatz                                  4:47
        2       Iron Shoes                                      6:00
        3       Mount Hood                                      4:15
        4       Madeira                                         4:59
        5       Union Square                                    4:33
        6       Snow                                            5:53
        7       Early In The Park                               3:05
        8       Kamogawa                                        5:50
        9       Children                                        5:10
        10      Sunny Mission                                   2:57
        11      Konseiji                                        2:17
        12      Trost                                           6:00
LP      1313    JOHANN JOHANNSSON       THE MINER'S HYMNS               2LP+DLc 05.2011
CD      1313    JOHANN JOHANNSSON       THE MINER'S HYMNS               CD      05.2011

LP 1    A       They Being Dead Yet Speaketh
        B       An Injury To One Is The Concern Of All

LP 2    C       Freedom From Want And Fear
        D1      There Is No Safe Side But The Side Of Truth
        D2      Industrial And Provident, We Unite To Assist Each Other
        D3      The Cause Of Labour Is The Hope Of The World

CD      I       They Being Dead Yet Speaketh                    10:30
        II      An Injury To One Is The Concern Of All          14:23
        III     Freedom From Want And Fear                      11:07
        IV      There Is No Safe Side But The Side Of Truth     3:54
        V       Industrial And Provident, We Unite To Assist
                Each Other                                      3:27
        VI      The Cause Of Labour Is The Hope Of The World    7:39
LP      1314    DUSTIN O'HALLORAN       LUMIERE                         LP      02.2011
CD      1314    DUSTIN O'HALLORAN       LUMIERE                         CD      02.2011

LP      A1      A Great Divide
        A2      Opus 44
        A3      We Move Lightly
        A4      Quartet N.2
        A5      Opus 43
        B1      Quintette N.1
        B2      Fragile N.4
        B3      Opus 55
        B4      Snow + Light

CD      1       A Great Divide                                  6:19
        2       Opus 44                                         2:48
        3       We Move Lightly                                 3:10
        4       Quartet N.2                                     3:13
        5       Opus 43                                         6:30
        6       Quintette N.1                                   5:12
        7       Fragile N.4                                     3:30
        8       Opus 55                                         6:05
        9       Snow + Light                                    6:34
CD      1315    DUSTIN O'HALLORAN       VORLEBEN                        CD        .2011

        1       Opus 54                                         4:36
        2       Opus 7                                          3:17
        3       Prelude N.3                                     3:47
        4       Opus 21                                         3:49
        5       Opus 15                                         2:56
        6       Opus 28                                         3:18
        7       Opus 17                                         1:58
        8       Opus 23                                         2:58
        9       Opus 38                                         5:49
        10      Opus 37                                         3:48
CD      1316    HAUSCHKA                SALON DES AMATEURS              CD      04.2011

        1       Radar                                           3:53
        2       Two AM                                          4:51
        3       Girls                                           4:58
        4       Ping                                            3:47
        5       Cube                                            3:26
        6       Subconscious                                    4:02
        7       No Sleep                                        4:38
        8       Tanzbein                                        4:22
        9       Taxi Taxi                                       4:39
        10      Sunrise                                         3:47
LP      1317    V / A : ELEVEN INTO FIFTEEN-A 130701 COMPILATION        2LP+bCD 08.2016
LP      1317    V / A : ELEVEN INTO FIFTEEN-A 130701 COMPILATION        CD      08.2016

        1:      Yangtze - Olivier Alary
        2:      Constreaux No.2 - Dustin O’Halloran
        3:      Anthem - Dmitry Evgrafov
        4:      Barn Levitate - Set Fire To Flames
        5:      June - Resina
        6:      Quiet - Hauschka
        7:      N B - Sylvain Chauveau
        8:      Aletheia - Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch
        9:      Bach Study - Max Richter
        10:     Tender Fire - Ian William Craig
        11:     They Being Dead Yet Speaketh (Live At World Financial Center
                Winter Garden, New York) - Jóhann Jóhannsson

bCD     1.      Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch - Scale Of Volatility (piano solo)
                (solo piano version of track from the 'Like Water Through The
                Sand' album, out now)
        2.      Dmitry Evgrafov - Ptichka (unreleased exclusive. The album
                'Collage' is out now)
        3.      Olivier Alary - Attente (unreleased. Debut album 'Fiction /
                Non-Fiction' due October 2016)
        4.      Ian William Craig -The Printmaking Song (unreleased exclusive.
                New album 'Centres' is out now)
        5.      Resina - Tatry I (taken from forthcoming album, 'Resina', due
                September 2016)
LP      1318    SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU        SIMPLE                          LP+DLc  01.2020
CD      1318    SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU        SIMPLE                          CD      01.2020

        1.      Noir                                            01:17
        2.      Des Plumes Dans La Taate                        01:12
        3.      Au Nombre Des Choses                            05:41
        4.      With the Orderly Life                           06:20
        5.      Le Brasier De Tristesse                         03:32
        6.      Anthracite                                      02:18
        7.      Pour Les Oiseaux                                01:15
        8.      The Plot                                        01:06
        9.      Blanche Comme L'infini                          01:59
        10.     Everything Will Be Fine                         01:18
        11.     Notre A©Trana¨re                                01:07
        12.     Beast                                           01:17
        13.     Strangers Forever                               01:32
        14.     Murmure                                         01:35
        15.     Situation Finale                                02:02
        16.     Blanc                                           02:47
        17.     For C.                                          01:43
        18.     Dernia¨re A©Tape Avant Le Silence Ii            02:03

        1       Dustin O'Halloran       An Ending A Beginning
        2       Hauschka w/ Samuli Kosminen : Spark
        3       Jóhann Jóhannsson       Glíma
        4       Dustin O'Halloran w/ ACME String Quartet : Opus 28
        5       Hauschka w/ Kai Angermann : The Great Escape
        6       Jóhann Jóhannsson w/ The Formalist Quartet : The Cause
                Of Labour Is The Hope Of The World

        1.      Minnesang
        2.      The Sum Of Our Flaws
        3.      Tulsi
        4.      Cotidal Lines
        5.      Hands Closed Together
        6.      Vestiges
        7.      Persephone
        8.      Scale Of Volatility
        9.      Six Of Swords
        10.     Sublimation
        11.     Strelka


        i       Silver Skies
        ii      Motion
        iii     Scale Of Volatility (Piano Solo)
        iv      Don't Disappear
CD      1321    DMITRY EVGRAFOV         COLLAGE                         CD      11.2015

        1.      Embrace
        2.      Sway
        3.      Invitation
        4.      Cries And Whispers
        5.      Like Foam
        6.      Fracture
        7.      Reel
        8.      Warm Up
        9.      Garage
        10.     Regret
        11.     Nothing To Say (feat. Henrik José)
        12.     Golden Light
LP      1322    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       CENTRES                         2LP     08.2016
CD      1322    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       CENTRES                         CD      08.2016

        1       Contain (Astoria Version)
        2       A Single Hope
        3       Drifting To Void On All Sides
        4       The Nearness
        5       Set To Lapse
        6       Power Colour Spirit Animal
        7       Arrive, Arrive
        8       A Circle Without Having To Curve
        9       An Ocean Only You Could See
        10      Purpose (Is No Country)
        11      It Need Not Be Hopeless
        12      Innermost
        13      Contain (Cedar Version)
LP      1323    RESINA                  RESINA                          LP      09.2016
CD      1323    RESINA                  RESINA                          CD      09.2016

        1.      Tatry I
        2.      Flock
        3.      Tatry II
        4.      Nightjar
        5.      Dark Sky White Water
        6.      Afterimage
        7.      Not Here

Resina is the alias of Karolina Rec, a cellist/composer based in Warsaw, who signed
to 130701 having sent in this album as a hugely impressive demo late last year. A very
accomplished performer with a background in Polish underground music, this eponymous
album is her solo debut and sees a rich, atmospheric re-imagining of a Polish music
rooted in a feeling for indigenous nature / landscape and realised via an intuitive,
experimental approach to playing.

Born 1982, Karolina graduated from Music Academy in Gdansk, and was active in Poland’s
independent music scene since the late ’00s, co-founding and collaborating with some
of Poland’s most influential alternative bands. She featured on many albums and
soundtracks (including the Oscar-nominated ‘Rabbit a la Berlin’), and wrote music for
numerous theatre productions.
LP      1324    OLIVIER ALARY           FICTION/NON-FICTION             LP      04.2017
CD      1324    OLIVIER ALARY           FICTION/NON-FICTION             CD      04.2017

        1.      Xi
        2.      Defeat
        3.      Pulses (For Percussion)
        4.      Nollywood
        5.      Yu Shui
        6.      Khaltoum
        7.      Arrivée (Bonus Track – cd only)
        8.      Autodrome
        9.      Canon
        10.     Juanicas (Bonus Track – cd only)
        11.     Dancing Bottle
        12.     Flooding
        13.     Qin (Bonus Track – cd only)
        14.     Pulses (For Winds)
        15.     Foret
        16.     The Dreaming
        17.     Epilogue (Bonus Track – cd only)
DA      1325    DMITRY EVGRAFOV         THE QUIET OBSERVATION           7WAV    10.2016

        1       Shelter                                         1:45
        2       Ptichka                                         3:51
        3       The Painting                                    1:56
        4       Lovebirds                                       3:55
        5       The Lofty Sky                                   1:22
        6       Unasked Questions                               2:26
        7       Lev                                             3:31
LP      1326    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       SLOW VESSELS                    LP      05.2017

        1.      Arrive, Arrive
        2.      The Nearness
        3.      A Single Hope
        4.      Purpose (Is No Country)
        5.      Contain
        6.      Set To Lapse
LP      1327    DMITRY EVGFAROV         COMPREHENSION OF LIGHT          LP+DLc  10.2017

        1.      A Gleam - Dmitry Evgrafov
        2.      Tamas - Dmitry Evgrafov
        3.      Ungrounded - Dmitry Evgrafov
        4.      Wandering - Dmitry Evgrafov
        5.      Rajas - Dmitry Evgrafov
        6.      A Chance To Change - Dmitry Evgrafov
        7.      First Crop - Dmitry Evgrafov
        8.      Znanie (feat. Abul Mogard) - Dmitry Evgrafov 9. Rootedness
                - Dmitry Evgrafov
        10.     Sattva - Dmitry Evgrafov
LP      1328    RESINA                  TRACES                          LP+DLc  06.2018
CD      1328    RESINA                  TRACES                          CD      06.2018
LP      1328    RESINA                  TRACES                          LP+DLc  03.2022
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
CD      1328    RESINA                  TRACES                          CD      03.2022

        1.      In                                              05:31
        2.      Procession                                      04:35
        3.      Resin                                           04:22
        4.      Surface                                         04:22
        5.      Glimmer                                         03:44
        6.      In In                                           06:47
        7.      Trigger                                         04:46
        8.      Leftover                                        08:11
        9.      Lethe                                           04:24

Polish cellist Resina resurfaces on FatCat offshoot 130701 with more of her assured
and poised neoclassical narratives, on Traces. The release marks somewhat of a career
curve with an increased jaggedness and vitality, and in a bold move she employs her
stark vocal to dramatic effect. Drums and percussion add extra dynamism and body to
the work.
LP      1329    EMILIE LEVIENAISE-FARROUCH : EPOQUES                    LP      06.2018
CD      1329    EMILIE LEVIENAISE-FARROUCH : EPOQUES                    CD      06.2018

        1       Martello                                        4:18
        2       The Only Water                                  4:35
        3       Redux                                           4:10
        4       Overflow                                        3:41
        5       Fracture Points                                 5:21
        6       Bleuets                                         4:26
        7       Ultramarine                                     4:24
        8       Epoques                                         3:55
        9       A Trace of Salt                                 3:28
        10      Morphee                                         5:33

Following a break of almost three years since the release of her debut album, French
pianist / composer Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch returns with the stunning 'Époques', her
sophomore album for FatCat's pioneering 130701 imprint.
LP      1330    MAARJA NUUT & RUUM      MUUNDUJA                        LP+DLc  10.2018
CD      1330    MAARJA NUUT & RUUM      MUUNDUJA                        CD      10.2018

        1.      Haned kadunud                                   06:27
        2.      Käed-mäed                                       03:01
        3.      Muutuja                                         06:01
        4.      Mahe                                            05:09
        5.      Takisan                                         03:50
        6.      Kuud kuulama                                    04:07
        7.      Kurb laulik                                     03:58
        8.      Miniature C                                     02:34
        9.      Une meeles                                      05:26

Estonian violinist and vocalist Maarja Nut joins producer Ruum. Her airy voice and
subtle violin create quiet lakes of sound, while Ruum’s electronic soundscapes seem
to paint the depths that lie below. Muunduja is a haunting and reflective effort, out
on FatCat, one of the finest world-pop/indietronica labels.
LP      1331    SHIDA SHAHABI           HOMES                           LP      10.2018
CD      1331    SHIDA SHAHABI           HOMES                           CD      10.2018

        1.      Abisme                                          05:03
        2.      Smygkatt                                        04:28
        3.      Petula                                          02:21
        4.      Pretty In Plums                                 04:40
        5.      Dawning and Wind                                03:48
        6.      Vassen                                          04:59
        7.      Epilog                                          02:47
        8.      Afterword                                       01:31

Swedish-Iranian composer Shida Shahabi incorporates her different backgrounds in
intimate piano-based soundtracks & -scapes.
LP      1332    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       THRESHOLDER                     LP      11.2018

SIDE A  1.      Elided
        2.      Some Absolute Means
        3.      TC-377 Poem
        4.      Mass Noun
        5.      Idea for Contradiction1
SIDE B  1.      And Therefore the Moonlight
        2.      The Last Wesbrook Lament
        3.      Discovered in Flat
        4.      Sfumato
        5.      Idea for Contradiction 2
        6.      More Words for Mistake

Eighteen months on from his last new release, Vancouver-based singer / composer Ian
William Craig returns with an album-length release that collects together eleven new
tracks.  'Thresholder' is released on vinyl and digital formats, with the former
packaged in gorgeous inner / outer sleeve artwork from Ian.
                : THE SEA AT THE END OF HER STRING

        1.      Round
        2.      Flora
        3.      Layers of Sentiments
        4.      Chloris
        5.      What Remains
        6.      Aguirre
        7.      Piano Graveyard, Severn Beach

FatCat’s pioneering 130701 imprint. Featuring seven exclusive new tracks, the EP
is available both digitally and in a limited edition, one-time-only vinyl pressing
of 300 copies to be sold exclusively on a short, triple-bill UK tour this Autumn.
Both tour and EP feature the same three artists – French pianist / composer Emilie
Levienaise-Farrouch, Polish cellist Resina and Swedish-Iranian pianist Shida Shahabi,
whose debut LP, ‘Homes’, will be released in mid-October.
LP      1335    RESINA                  TRACES REMIXES                  12"     06.2019

        1.      Trigger
        2.      In In (Ben Frost Remix)
        3.      In (Ian William Craig Remix)
        4.      In In (Lotic Remix)
        5.      Trigger (Abul Mogard Remix)
LP      1336    SHIDA SHAHABI           SHIFTS                          12"     11.2019

        A1      Futo
        A2      All In Circles
        B1      Sea Ear
        B2      Janvie
        B3      Keiki
DA      1337    EMILIE LEVIENAISE-FARROUCH : ONLY YOU                   4WAV    07.2019

        1       Separation                                      2:40
        2       Where We Are                                    1:13
        3       Sorry I Missed Your Call                        2:20
        4       End Scene                                       2:35
LP      1338    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       RED SUN THROUGH SMOKE           LP+DLc  03.2020
                (Note : LP , translucent red vinyl)
CD      1338    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       RED SUN THROUGH SMOKE           CD      03.2020
DL      1338    IAN WILLIAM CRAIG       RED SUN THROUGH SMOKE           DL      03.2020

        1.      Random                                          01:31
        2.      The Smokefallen                                 01:58
        3.      Weight (Bonus Track)                            06:37
        4.      Comma (Bonus Track)                             02:01
        5.      Condx QRN                                       03:08
        6.      Mountains Astray                                02:09
        7.      Take                                            01:33
        8.      Last of the Lantern Oil                         05:35
        9.      Supper                                          01:39
        10.     Far and then Farther                            03:18
        11.     Open Like a Loss                                06:03
        12.     Stories                                         03:24

Vancouver-based singer/composer Ian William Craig returns with a brilliant and
powerfully emotive new album. His first for a long while to be centred around the
piano - and also one of his most pared back - the record was made through an intense
period of personal loss and environmental catastrophe.

        1.      Daily
        2.      Day tonight
        3.      Metastable
        4.      Holy Mother
        5.      Final

Cellist Clarice Jensen has already collaborated with the late composer Jóhann
Jóhannsson amongst others on earlier work but for her second album goes it alone
on a record which uses the cello and nothing else as a sound source. The album uses
the instrument to create loops and electronica that veer far in the direction of
more dance-orientated practitioners like Actress. Seems she's doing for the cello
what Colin Stetson has done for the sax.
LP      1340    YAIR ELAZAR GLOTMAN & MATS ERLANDSSON : EMANATE         LP      06.2020

        1       From Light to Refraction
        2       Interlude I
        3       From Refraction to Procession
        4       Interlude II
        5       Procession
        6       Interlude III
        7       From Procession to Refraction
        8       Interlude IV
        9       From Refraction to Light

A talented rotating cast of collaborators that includes Lucy Railton, Maria W Horn
and Viktor Orri Arnarson helped composers Yair Elazar Glotman and Mats Erlandsson
bring this latest work to life. Emanate exists in a space between classical music
and experimental music, using electronic and acoustic sounds to create a distinctive
sonic compound.
LP      1341    DMITRY EVGRAFOV         SURRENDER                       LP      08.2020

        1.      Splinter                                        03:55
        2.      Sparkle                                         02:58
        3.      Whirl                                           02:13
        4.      Context                                         01:42
        5.      Anthropocene                                    04:26
        6.      Stymie                                          03:53
        7.      Humble In Heart                                 03:41
        8.      A Rural Song                                    05:11
        9.      N.510                                           03:11
        10.     Endless                                         05:53
        11.     Serene Air                                      04:45
        12.     Far And Close                                   03:37

Russian post-classical artist Dmitry Evgrafov delivers his third album for FatCat’s
130701 subsidiary, and his fourth altogether. Surrender is the Muscovite’s most
ambitious effort yet, expanding well beyond his regular range and embracing bass
guitar and synth elements as well as an eight-piece string orchestra.
LP      1342    OLIVER ALARY+JOHANNES MALFATTI : u,i                    LP      12.2020
LP      1342    OLIVER ALARY+JOHANNES MALFATTI : u,i                    DL      12.2020

        1.      Somewhere                                       04:42
        2.      I Can't Even See Myself                         07:59
        3.      Alone, Singing                                  04:45
        4.      Drifting                                        03:48
        5.      My Night, My Day                                05:19
        6.      Interlaced                                      03:26
        7.      Allo Adad!                                      05:16
        8.      Elsewhere                                       03:21
        9.                                                      4:35
        10.     Are You Awake?                                  08:41
DA      1343    SHIDA SHAHABI           LAKE ON FIRE                    4WAV    10.2020

        1       Prolog                                          3:38
        2       Interlude + Main Theme                          3:45
        3       Epilog                                          2:53
        4       Main Theme (Piano Version)                      3:57
LP      1344    RUTGER HOEDEMAEKERS     THE AGE OF ODDITIES             LP        .2021

        1.      An Explanation For Its Own Sake
        2.      Write Them A Creature
        3.      There's No Going Back, For Any Of Us
        4.      C.A.L.M.
        5.      The Invention Of The Moon
        6.      Ring Out The Darkness
        7.      Not For That Hour, Nor For The Place
        8.      We Will Clamber Through The Clouds And Exist
        9.      Goodbye, Donald
        10.     Think Us Better Than We Are
DS      1345    CLARICE JENSEN          AINU MOSIR                      5WAV    01.2021

        1       Fishing                                         3:25
        2       Summer                                          2:18
        3       Winter                                          1:53
        4       Sacrifice                                       3:26
        5       Sleep                                           3:47


LP      1348    RESINA                  SPEECHLESS                      LP      11.2021
CD      1348    RESINA                  SPEECHLESS                      CD      11.2021
                (Note : CD , 300 copies)
DA      1348    RESINA                  SPEECHLESS                      11FLAC  11.2021

CD      1       Mercury Immersion                               5:18
        2       Horse Tail                                      4:39
        3       Failed Myth Simulation                          5:44
        4       Darwin's Finches                                3:32
        5       Unveiling                                       3:19
        6       Manic                                           5:49
        7       Hajstra                                         2:17
        8       A Crooked God                                   4:22
        9       Recall                                          5:15
DA      10      Dessication (Bonus Track)                       3:53
        11      Mercury Immersion - Long Version (Bonus Track)  7:22

Recorded by Resina and Micha³ Kupicz, mixing & production work by Daniel Rejmer
(Ben Frost, Björk, Foals, Girls Names).





